2003-2004 UAF Catalog

Student Services

Student Services and Resources

Center for Health and Counseling

The Center for Health and Counseling offers the following services: health care, counseling, substance abuse evaluation and referral, disability services, health education and assistance with student health insurance. Students must pay the health center fee to be eligible for health care and counseling services.

The medical staff provide primary health care and referrals for specialty medical services when appropriate. General office visits for illness and injury are provided at no charge. Physical examinations, medications, laboratory services and medical supplies are provided at reduced cost. Students should call for appointments. Emergency appointments are available when necessary.

The counseling staff offer individual, group and crisis intervention counseling. Counselors, all with graduate-level training, provide assistance with a variety of personal and interpersonal issues. Students are encouraged to schedule appointments. In an emergency, a student is usually seen the same day. The counseling staff also provides specialized evaluation and referral for alcohol and other drug problems at no charge when requested on a voluntary basis. There is a charge for mandatory evaluations.

The center also provides a disability services program for eligible students. For a description of these services see the section on Disability Services.

Professional staff provide information, health education and referral for individuals and groups seeking to maintain or improve upon physical and mental health.

The Student Health Insurance Program is administered through the center. An insurance coordinator is available to answer questions about policy coverage and to assist with information about how to file claims.

The staff of the Center for Health and Counseling provides consultation, education and crisis intervention on the campus in an effort to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all members of the campus community. Students and staff alike benefit from the presence of the center on the campus, even if they never make personal use of its services.

The Center for Health and Counseling is located on the second floor of the Whitaker Building (see campus map for location). The center is open weekdays during the regular academic year. For more information telephone (907) 474-7043 or 474-7045 (TTY), fax (907) 474-5777, e-mail fyheaco@uaf.edu, or visit online at www.uaf.edu/chc/.

Disability Services

The Disability Services program, located at the Center for Health and Counseling, provides services to students with documented disabilities to ensure equal access to educational opportunities at UAF. Services are free of charge and available to any student who qualifies as an individual with a disability and who is enrolled for at least one (1) credit hour at UAF.

Disability Services offers both devices and services that aid persons experiencing disabilities. There are adaptive computer workstations located at several places on the campus. Workstations include voice activated software, screen enlargers and screen readers. UAF has an accessible shuttle bus service equipped with a wheelchair lift for transportation on campus. Most UAF buildings, including student residence halls, are accessible. A complete student handbook of services is available on request as well as on the Center for Health and Counseling website.

For more information contact the coordinator of Disability Services at the Center for Health and Counseling, telephone (907) 474-7043 and (907) 474-7045 (TTY), e-mail fydso@uaf.edu, or online at www.uaf.edu/chc/Disability.htm.