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UAF Cooperative Extension provides over 350 publications on everything from Alaska blueberries to canning walrus. Search our database and find answers to your everyday questions.

Find a Class or Event
Find a Class or Event

Our agents host hands-on workshops in communities all over Alaska on topics like food preservation, energy efficiency and nutrition and health. Join us in person or online.

Find an Expert
Find an Expert

Our experts provide research-based, practical information. We show people how to plant gardens, raise chickens and cook sourdough pancakes. Connect with one of our experts for help answering your everyday questions.

4-H and Youth Development
4-H and Youth Development

Cooperative Extension is home to Alaska's 4-H and Youth development programs. Youth in communities across Alaska develop skills for life and leadership in our state.


  • A field of pink fireweed flowers and other other blooms in the yard of a picturesque building with a rounded roof.

    Webinar series focuses on creating, reimagining and maintaining yards

    June 26, 2024

    Learn how to manage weeds, turn your yard into a meadow, manage soil, and create and maintain a beautiful lawn in a series of free, online workshops hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service. The series is available statewide.

  • A faded totem pole with a red-beaked bird at the top in front of an evergreen tree.

    Food preservation, healthy living classes planned for Ketchikan

    June 26, 2024

    Three days of classes on healthy living, food safety and food preservation are planned for Ketchikan. Sarah Lewis, a University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service health, home and family development agent, will be in Ketchikan from July 12-14 to teach the classes and to test pressure canner gauges.

  • A woman stands on the stern of a boat on the water under a blue sky. Pacific Sapphire is written on the boat.

    Health, food preservation workshops planned for Southeast Alaska

    June 19, 2024

    A University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service agent will travel by boat to nine communities in Southeast Alaska to teach classes on healthy living, food safety and food preservation.

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