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March 31, 2023

Dear UAF community,

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. During this month, we will hold events and discussions aimed at promoting a culture of safety and respect for everyone at UAF. I encourage all students, faculty, and staff to participate in these events and take the time to learn how we can all play a role in preventing sexual assault. You can find information about the events on Nanook Engage and the UAF Events Calendar, both of which will display a teal ribbon.

As a community, we promote a culture of diversity, inclusion, respect, and care. I encourage everyone to attend various events throughout April, and if you haven't already, consider attending a bystander intervention training session hosted by our NDAC team. The team does an excellent job teaching us that we all have a responsibility to change the norms around violence and providing examples of how anyone can safely intervene to prevent harm.

Let's continue to work together to make UAF a safe place for everyone. Thank you for choosing UAF.

Dan White, chancellor


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