Campus Landscape & Outdoor Art Subcommittee
The Campus Landscape and Outdoor Artwork (CLOA) Subcommittee, with support from Facilities Services, is responsible for making recommendations to the MPC about planning and implementation of the Campus Landscape Plan consistent with the Campus Master Plan. Any proposals involving these topics shall be brought first to the MPC chair, who may then delegate to the CLOA tasks of gathering information, developing detailed plans, and/or making recommendations.
John Alden - Retired Forest Service
Steve Bouta - University of Alaska Museum
Wendy Croskrey - Art Department
Jan Dawe - School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences
Darren Edson - Facilities Services
Annette Freiburger - Interior-Aleutians Campus
Deb Horner - Chair
Meriam Karlsson - School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences
John Rowe - landscape architect (private sector)
Gordie Schlosser - landscape architect (private sector)
The CLOA Subcommittee was tasked with developing plans for the West Ridge and Cornerstone Plazas on campus.
Please click on the links to see the schematic designs, plant palette, and descriptions of the designs. The files are in PDF format.
Schematic Designs
West Ridge and Cornerstone Plaza Schematic Designs Features
Final Color Renderings
Campus Landscape Plan, June 2004

The following links are the complete Campus Landscape Plan of 2004 in sections. The files are in PDF format
Master Planning Committee Recommendations
At its regularly scheduled meeting on October 2, 2003, the UAF Master Planning Committee (MPC) unanimously approved the following recommendation regarding creation of a new MPC standing subcommittee on campus landscape and outdoor art. We request your review and approval of this recommendation.
MPC recommendation 03-09: The UAF Master Planning Committee (MPC) recommends that the Chancellor create a new MPC standing subcommittee on campus landscape and outdoor artwork. The subcommittee will assume responsibilities previously undertaken by the existing ad hoc landscape committee, including making recommendations about the use of Ruth Hewitt endowment landscaping funds. The subcommittee will monitor the implementation of the campus landscaping plan and promote landscaping activities throughout campus.
The rationale for creating this standing subcommittee is to ensure that recommendations pertaining to campus landscape and outdoor artwork are fully consistent with the UAF campus master plan.
The MPC recommends that members of the new standing subcommittee be selected from nominations by Cooperative Extension Service, Facilities Services, Georgeson Botanical Garden/SNRAS, Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Native Education, Master Planning Committee, College of Fellows, and one student.
On June 15, 2004, former Chancellor Marshall Lind approved the UAF Campus Landscape Plan, after receiving the following recommendation from the MPC on April 4, 2004:
The Master Planning Committee moves to adopt the UAF Campus Landscape Plan as presented by the ad hoc Campus Landscape and Outdoor Artwork Subcommittee and to forward it to the Chancellor for review and approval (Motion - Crave, second - Seifert; vote 8 yeas, 0 nay, 0 abstentions).
On October 13, 2003, Chancellor Lind approved the following MPC recommendation creating a new MPC Subcommittee on Campus Landscape and Outdoor Artwork. This new subcommittee will continue work of the previous ad hoc landscaping committee, including making recommendations about use of the Ruth Hewitt landscaping endowment fund. One of its foremost tasks will be completion of the draft campus landscape plan, expected to be finalized in fall 2003.
The new subcommittee will be appointed by the Chancellor and made up of members nominated by the following: Cooperative Extension Service, Facilities Services, Georgeson Botanical Garden/School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (SNRAS), Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Native Education, UAF Master Planning Committee, College of Fellows, and one student.
For more information contact Rick Caulfield, MPC chair, at 907-474-5573,