Call for projects for the 2019 UArctic Rectors' Forum

May 28, 2019

University Relations

Trent University has released another call for student proposals for the University of the Arctic Rectors' Forum, hosted at Trent University Aug. 19-21.

This forum provides a unique opportunity for students of UArctic member institutions such as UAF to present their education-related research projects and network with the faculty and executives of educational institutions from all Arctic nations. Undergraduate and graduate students of any rank are asked to submit poster presentation abstracts by May 31.

The Rectors' Forum poster session is intended to highlight posters that feature research relevant to Northern education, including preliminary results, completed studies, summaries of relevant published research authored by the presenter, and position papers. The aim of the poster session is to facilitate dissemination of student research results to the broader community of Arctic leadership.

Submission process:

  • Submit proposals to by the deadline.

  • Selected proposals will be offered a $500 travel supplement, which can be applied to any costs (travel, accommodation, registration fees, etc.) of attending the forum, or the associated excursion, in August.

Important dates:

  • Poster proposal submission deadline: Friday, May 31, by 11:59 p.m. EST

  • Notification of decision to include poster: Friday, June 14

  • Forum registration deadline: Friday, Aug. 9

If the poster is accepted, the presenting author is expected to attend the 2019 UArctic Rectors' Forum and to participate in the parallel student forum. Posters should be mailed to Trent University prior to the forum start date in order to be on display for the full duration of the forum. Selected authors will be requested to submit a 300-word abstract of their presentation to be included in the program.

For more information email or visit the UArctic website.