West Ridge fitness center now open

October 2, 2019

University Relations

You can now squeeze in a quick workout on West Ridge. The modest fitness center in WRRB 009 has a complete set of circuit equipment, a spin bike, a treadmill and a hand bike. There is a small selection of dumbbells, bands, stability balls, etc. Nanook Recreation plans to upgrade the dumbbells soon. Other improvements will be phased as funds become available and demand warrants.

The West Ridge center is designed for employees or gym members who want a simple workout in a small, quiet space. It's perfect for anyone who is trapped at a desk and can only sneak away for a short period of time, especially when it's -40!

You can buy a $5 day pass from your computer, or use your Nanook Recreation membership for no additional costs. All levels of membership are available online.

You will need your PolarExpress cards to access the room. Cardswipe instructions are on the wall outside the room. The building is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.