
Master’s Degree Program

Open new opportunities for work and study. The chemistry master’s degree program at UAF will place you on the front lines of innovation in a dynamic field that touches almost every industry.

Conduct research using state-of-the-art instrumentation in UAF's Molecular Imaging Facility. Write a research-based thesis and have your results appear in peer-reviewed publications. Tailor your coursework to your professional goals and interests.

The M.S. in chemistry provides advanced training in the primary sub-disciplines of chemistry, including analytical, organic, inorganic and physical. Concentrations are available in three areas:  chemistry, biochemistry and neuroscience and environmental chemistry.

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Why Earn Your Chemistry Degree at UAF?

If you're fascinated by the science of matter and feel at home inside a laboratory, the chemistry program at UAF is the place to be. As the only ACS approved chemistry program in Alaska, UAF offers opportunities that will prepare you for high-demand careers in environmental science, pharmacology, engineering and more.

Design your own research project or thesis

  • As part of your chemistry master’s degree at UAF, you’ll complete a research project or thesis. You may conduct laboratory research and produce a manuscript, write a review article, or engage in a different activity. Whichever you choose, it’s a great opportunity to tailor your graduate studies to your interests and professional goals.

Get the support you need to succeed

  • As a graduate student at UAF, you’ll find your instructors are accessible and invested in your success. When you have questions, they are here to help. UAF's faculty advisors will work closely with you from day one to support you on your academic journey.

Work closely with faculty who can connect you with opportunities

  • Our professors work with major research institutes in Alaska and around the nation and bring diverse research backgrounds to the coursework — in areas from environmental chemistry to neuropharmacology. Because classes are small, you’ll have meaningful opportunities to collaborate with your instructors and complete projects that will change the world.


What Can You Do With a Chemistry Master’s Degree?

Chemistry is a versatile degree that will prepare you to work in just about any field — from teaching, to medicine, law and more. The master’s program will enhance your scientific knowledge, research and critical thinking skills to prepare for professional careers, licensing school and other advanced study.

Many graduates pursue careers in environmental remediation, working with government agencies and local organizations. Others, especially in biochemistry, pursue opportunities in health fields, such as medicine, nursing, dentistry and pharmaceutical science. Many also elect to pursue advanced Ph.D., pharmacology or M.D. degrees.

Chemistry master’s jobs include:

  • Research chemist
  • Environmental scientist
  • Food scientist
  • Chemical engineer
  • Pharmaceutical sciences manager
  • Laboratory technician
  • Medical lab technologist
  • Technical writer
  • Teacher



Get Started on Your M.S. in Chemistry

Take the next step toward earning your master’s degree. We have the resources to help you get started.