Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

What is the Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit?
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- One of 40 Cooperative Research Units in 38 states.
- Part of a nationwide program created by Federal law in 1935.
- Unit scientists are USGS employees with UAF faculty appointments.
- 195 Unit students completed UAF graduate degrees since 1990.
- Graduate student training and instruction.
- Technical assistance to cooperating agencies.
- Integrated studies of fish and wildlife at the ecosystem level.
- Research directed at resource management problems.
The Unit exists by cooperative agreement with:
- University of Alaska Fairbanks
- U. S. Geological Survey
- Alaska Department of Fish & Game
- U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- Wildlife Management Institute
- Federal agency research funds go through USGS to UAF by the Research Work Order (RWO) funding mechanism.
- ADFG provides base funding for Unit fisheries and wildlife projects. State funds go to UAF through the reimbursable Services Agreement (RSA) process.