
Enjoy eBooks and audiobooks from the library using the OverDrive app

eBooks and Audiobooks are now available! Here's how to get started:

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  1. Click on the picture to the right or the eBook banner above
  2. Click the SIGN IN option at the top of the page
  3. Select Kuskokwim Consortium Library from the dropdown menu
  4. Key in your library card number. Click SIGN IN
  5. Browse thousands of free eBooks and Audiobooks available for download!  
  6. Once you find a title that you like, mouse over it. A button will appear that says either BORROW or HOLD. If it says borrow, the item is currently available. If it says hold, then the item is currently out but you can sign up to be next to check it out. Some popular items have multiple holds so it might take a while to become available. You can select to have the book automatically signed out to you when it's available or just to be notified. 
  7. Once you check out a book, you can download it to your device. eBooks can be read in your internet browser but audiobooks require special software that can be found at https://adl.overdrive.com/. Different devices have slightly different software, so make sure you select the right one. 
  8. Enjoy your books! Checkouts are for 7 days with renewals available for many items. 

Please email us at bethel.library@alaska.edu, call us at 907-543-4516, or come in to the library when we're open if you have any questions.