Catch up on what has been happening at CAPS!

May 24, 2021

CAPS staff

A lot has happened at the Center for Arctic Policy Studies in academic year 2020-2021.

book coverLast fall, CAPS research assistants Abigail Steffen and Stephen Arturo Greenlaw wrapped up their work on a report on climate policy in Alaska. In January, they gave a formal presentation at the NCSE Project Drawdown conference on this topic, and in March, participated in a CAPS-hosted webinar on climate policy in Alaska. Both of these events served as a lead up to the March publication of a CAPS report on climate policy in Alaska, which can be downloaded here.

CAPS Director Amy Lovecraft and Program Coordinator Maureen Biermann both contributed to a chapter on the assessment and evaluation of Arctic Research for the recently published book Nordic Perspectives on the Responsible Development of the Arctic: Pathways to Action (Springer Polar Series), edited by Douglas C. Nord.

CAPS has also been continuing to update our resources pages to capture emerging Arctic policies and strategies as they emerge at multiple scales. Check out our comprehensive list of existing policies, including the various US military and defense strategies that were published in 2020 and 2021.

Look for our upcoming newsletter in mid-June to catch up on these happening and more at the Center for Arctic Policy Studies.