2000-2001 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index


COUN 615 (3 Credits) Summer, As Demand Warrants
Foundations of Guidance and Counseling (3+0)
Introduction to the philosophies, organization, patterns and techniques that aid counselors in preparing clients for responsible decision-making in modern society. (Prerequisite: Admittance to Guidance and Counseling Program and permission of instructor.)
COUN 623 (3 Credits) Fall
Counseling Theories and Applications I (3+2)
(Cross-listed with PSY 660)
A survey of the major theoretical systems of counseling and psychotherapy combined with a laboratory experience focused on building microskills in counseling. Specific application of theoretical principles will be investigated, analyzed and described. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing; COUN 615 for counseling students and an abnormal psychology course for psychology students; and/or permission of instructor.)
COUN 628 (3 Credits) Fall, Alternate Summer, As Demand Warrants
Child and Adolescent Psychology (3+0)
Focus on developmental processes and sequences of change that children experience within each developmental domain from birth through adolescence. (Prerequisite: Admittance to graduate program and permission of instructor.)
COUN 629 (3 Credits) Alternate Summer, As Demand Warrants
Developmental Interventions (3+0)
Second in a two course sequence in child and adolescent development with opportunity for limited practice in applying developmental theory to work with children and youth. Attention is placed on assisting children and youth to accomplish developmental tasks appropriate to their psychosocial growth. (Prerequisites: Admittance to graduate program, COUN 628, and permission of instructor.)
COUN 630 (3 Credits) Fall
Appraisal for School Counselors (3+0)
Introduction to the kinds of assessment information school personnel collect and to the role of the counselor in the assessment process. (Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.)
COUN 632 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Career Development (3+0)
An introduction to the theories of career development, career choices, and how to translate theory into practice. Emphasis will be on career education development in schools, and the utilization of information resources for facilitating the career choice decision making process. (Prerequisites: COUN 623 and permission of instructor.)
COUN 634 (3 Credits) As Needed
Practicum in Individual Counseling (2+7)
Supervised practice in basic counseling skills and techniques. Supervised work with one-on-one counseling relationships. Actual practice in listening, problem identification, goal setting and session management. (Prerequisites: Admission to graduate program, COUN 623, and permission of instructor.)
COUN 636 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Practicum in School Counseling (2+7)
Supervised practice in school settings. Focus on directed practice of particular skills relevant to the school counselor's role. Weekly seminars will cover actual and role playing situations providing opportunities to operationalize theory in counseling, interventions, and ethical issues. (Prerequisite: Admittance to Guidance and Counseling Program, COUN 634 and permission of instructor.)
COUN 646 (3 Credits) Summer, As Demand Warrants
School Counseling (3+3)
(Cross-listed with PSY 646)
Topics related to the role of the school counselor such as consultation, career guidance, and culturally appropriate assessment. (Prerequisite: Admittance to Guidance and Counseling Program and permission of instructor.)
COUN 647 (3 Credits) Alternate Summer, As Demand Warrants
Professional Ethics (3+0)
The ethical standards of the American Psychological Association, the American Association of Counseling and Development and the National Associations of Social Workers will be examined, discussed and compared. Students will be provided with opportunities to apply these general principles to specific cases. Students will be expected to demonstrate a knowledge of the principles of these three ethical codes and an ability to apply them to their reality based manifestations. (Prerequisites: Admittance to master's program in Psychology or Counseling, and permission of instructor.)
COUN 660 (3 Credits) Alternate Summer, As Demand Warrants
Cross-Cultural Counseling (3+0)
(Cross-listed with PSY 661)
An examination of cultural and ethnic variables in human nature and their effect on the counseling process. Specific focus will be placed on the nature and function of culture, cultural variables in the context of the human experience, universal and culture specific aspects of the counseling process, barriers to effective cross-cultural counseling, specific ethnic and cultural considerations, and methods of intellectual training with special emphasis on Alaskan applications. (Prerequisite: Admittance to graduate program and permission of instructor.)
COUN 674 (3 Credits) Alternate Summer, Spring,
As Demand Warrants

Group Counseling (3+0)
(Cross-listed with PSY 674)
Kinds and types of groups with emphasis on methods, problems and needed skills in working with groups in a counseling situation. (Prerequisites: Admittance to graduate program, COUN 615, COUN 660, and permission of instructor.)
COUN 690 (3 - 6 Credits) Fall, Spring
Internship (0+3 - 6)
Opportunity to perform all the activities that a regularly employed counselor would be expected to perform in an elementary or secondary school. At the completion of the internship the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed to administer school counseling services. (3 credits required for elementary internship; 3 credits required for secondary internship; student may take both. Prerequisites: Completion of all coursework and advancement to candidacy.)

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Last modified March 10, 2000