2003-2004 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Military Science

MILS 101 (2 Credits) Fall
Foundations of Officership (1+2)

Issues and competencies central to a commissioned officer's responsibilities. Presents a framework for understanding officership, leadership, and Army values. Addresses life skills including fitness and time management. Designed to encourage insight into the Army profession and the officer's role within the Army.

MILS 102 (2 Credits) Spring
Basic Leadership (1+2)

Continuation of MILS 101. Expands on fundamentals with a focus on communications, leadership and problem solving. Life skills lessons include: problem solving, goal setting, interpersonal communication and assertiveness. Lessons yield immediately useful skills. Provides accurate information about life in the Army, including the organization of the Army, employment benefits, and work experiences of junior officers.
MILS 113 (2 Credits) Spring
Map Reading and Orienteering (2+0)

Introduction to military and civilian topographical maps and their related informational content. Use of the lensatic compass and map as navigational instruments. Exercises in orienteering complement academic instruction.
MILS 201 (3 Credits) Fall
Individual Leadership Studies (2+2)

Communication and leadership theory and application. Focus on critical life skills. Emphasis on relevance of life skills to future success in the Army. Includes a major leadership and problem solving case study which draws on virtually all of the instruction in MILS 101 and 102.
MILS 202 ( 3 Credits) Spring
Communication Skills for Military Leaders (2+2)

Focus on officership providing an extensive examination of the unique purpose, roles and obligations of commissioned officers. Includes a detailed look at the origin of our institutional values and their practical application in decision making and leadership. Core focus is a capstone case study in officership that traces the Army's successes and failures as it evolved from the Vietnam War to present, placing previous lessons on leadership and officership in a real-world context that directly affects the future of cadets. Draws the various components of values, communications, decision making and leadership together to focus on a career as a commissioned officer.
MILS 250 (3 Credits) Summer, As Demand Warrants
Leaders Training Course

A four-week camp in basic military skills and leadership experience in preparation for entrance into the advanced course. For students who did not take the basic course. (Prerequisite: At least two years of schooling remaining upon completion of camp. Admission by arrangement with professor of military science.)
MILS 301 (4 Credits) Spring
Leadership and Problem Solving (3+2)

Concepts, principles, and techniques applicable to leadership in a military environment. Emphasizes the role of small unit leader in leading military organizations in a tactical environment. Laboratory sessions offer practical application of concepts taught in classroom sessions. (Prerequisite: Junior standing in MILS and permission of instructor.)
MILS 302 (4 Credits) Spring
Leadership and Ethics (3+2)

(Cross-listed with BA 302)
Interdisciplinary study of effective leadership techniques and preparation for attendance to MILS 350. Laboratory sessions offer practical application of concepts taught in classroom sessions. (Prerequisite: Junior standing in MILS and permission of instructor.)
MILS 313 (3 Credits) Spring
Personal Navigation and Orienteering (2+2)

(Cross-listed with ARSK 313)
Study of navigation to enable students to safely work in an outdoor Arctic environment. Emphasis on use of a topographical map and lensatic compass. Students are enabled to navigate by analyzing terrain, using a compass, and using satellite positioning systems. Course consists of classroom instruction and practical application in outdoor environments. Students must have adequate clothing to operate for 1-6 hours in an Arctic environment.
MILS 350 (3 Credits) Fall
National Advanced Leadership Camp

Six-week camp structured as a leadership workshop allowing students to utilize leadership skills in a variety of situations in a military environment. (Prerequisites: Must be enrolled as an advanced course cadet and have completed MILS III.)
MILS 351 (2 Credits) Fall
Cadet Troop Leadership Training

Three-to-five-week full-time leadership training and development, serving in leadership positions with the active Army. Application of leadership and management principles in real life junior officer situations/positions. (Prerequisites: Must be enrolled as an advanced course cadet and completed MILS III and MILS 350.)
MILS 401 (4 Credits) Fall
Leadership and Management (3+2) s

Study of skills and knowledge required to function as a lieutenant in the Army. Decision making skills, study of organizational structure, training management, and assignment in a cadet leadership position are used as practical application. Instruction and assessment of performance of MILS 100 - 300 level students in lab. (Prerequisite: Senior standing in MILS and permission of instructor.)
MILS 402 (4 Credits) Spring
Officership (3+2)

Continuation of MILS 401. Includes study of military ethics and law. Student role in laboratory sessions is to plan instruction and assess performance of MILS 100 - 300 level students. (Prerequisite: Senior standing in MILS and permission of instructor.)
MILS 442 (3 Credits) Fall
History of the American Military (3+0) s

(Cross-listed with HIST 442)
The military's place in American life and society from the Colonial era to the present. Role of the military institution in shaping the nature of American society while reflecting the character of the society it serves. Also available via Independent Learning. (Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.)

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