Katrin Iken


907-474-7204 (fax)

Katrin Iken

Interim Director, Institute of Marine Science
Interim Director, Coastal Marine Institute

Marine Biology
Marine Invertebrates
Marine Plants
Scientific Diving

College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
2150 Koyukuk Drive
227 O'Neill Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7220

Curriculum Vitae



Recent Publications

Here it is


  • Trophic interactions and food web analysis
  • Benthic diversity and communities
  • Stable isotope analysis
  • Phycology and invertebrate ecology
  • Shallow water ecology and deep-sea biology
  • Polar marine biology


Research Overview

My research is mainly centered around trophic interactions between organisms. This involves dietary composition, feeding habits and consumption rates of invertebrates, macroalgal-herbivore interactions, stable isotope analysis of food web structures, etc. It also involves chemical defenses of macroalgae and invertebrates against grazers and predators. I am generally interested in shallow water community diversity, dynamics and ecology, especially in both polar regions, and in deep-sea communities. Most of my shallow water work uses scientific diving as a research tool.