Kristen Gorman
Assistant Professor
Marine Biology
College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Office: Irving II 230
Lab: O'Neill 141
Fairbanks, AK 99775
Simon Fraser University
Ph.D. Biological Sciences
Simon Fraser University
M.S. Biological Sciences
Dickinson College
B.S. Biology
Recent Publications
Here it is
- Integrative ecology
- Evolutionary and behavioral ecology
- Molecular and physiological ecology
- Food webs and trophic interactions
- Demography and population structure
- Marine fish and bird populations
- High latitude marine ecosystems
Current Research Projects
- Evaluating factors related to in river adult mortality in Copper River sockeye salmon. Funded by Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund, 2021-2022
- Are expanding pink salmon populations in the Arctic produced from regional watersheds? Funded by Coastal Marine Institute/BOEM, 2020–2023
- Using otolith geochemistry to understand the ocean ecology of a changing Alaskan salmon system. Funded by National Science Foundation, 2020–2021
- Implications of a declining trend in body size and condition on abundance of sockeye salmon in the Copper River, Alaska. Funded by North Pacific Research Board, 2019–2021
- Resolving the annual pelagic distribution of Tufted Puffins: Associations with oceanographic features and isotopic niche. Funded by North Pacific Research Board, 2018–2021
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