Stephen Jewett

Stephen Jewett

Professor Emeritus

Environmental Studies
Fisheries Ecology
Marine Invertebrates
Scientific Diving

O'Neill 128
Institute of Marine Science
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7220



University of Alaska Fairbanks
Ph.D. Fisheries

University of Alaska Fairbanks
M.S. Biology

John Brown University
B.A. Biology



2001. Cold Water Diving for Science. American Academy of Underwater Sciences, 21st Annual Scientific Diving Symposium. Ed. Jewett, S.C. . Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks,



Divine, L.M., F.J. Mueter, G.H. Kruse, B.A. Bluhm, S.C. Jewett, and K. Iken. (2019). "New estimates of weight-at-size, maturity-at-size, fecundity, mortality and biomass of snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, in the Arctic Ocean off Alaska". Fisheries Research. 218:246–258.

Lovvorn, J.R., A.R. Rocha, A.H. Mahoney, and S.C. Jewett. (2018). "Sustaining ecological and subsistence functions in conservation areas: eider habitat and access by Native hunters along landfast ice". Environmental Conservation.

Brower, A.A., M.C. Ferguson, S.V. Schonberg, S.C. Jewett and J.T. Clarke. (2017). "Gray whale distribution relative to benthic invertebrate biomass and abundance: Northeastern Chukchi Sea 2009–2012". Deep Sea Research II. 144:156–174.

Robinson NM, C Fernández-Garcia, R Riosmena-Rodríguez, ER Alquicira, B Konar, H Chenelot, SC Jewett, RR Melzer, R Meyer, G Försterra, V Häussermann, & E Macaya. (2017). "Rhodolith/Maerl Beds: A Global Perspective". Ed. R Riosmena-Rodríguez, W Nelson, & J Aguirre. Eastern Pacific. Chapter 13:319-333. Springer International Publishing,

Beatty, W.S., C.V. Jay, A.S. Fischbach, J.M. Grebmeier, R.L. Taylor, A.L. Blanchard and S.C. Jewett. (2016). "Space use of a dominant Arctic vertebrate: Effects of prey, sea ice, and land on Pacific walrus resource selection". Biological Conservation. 203:25-32.

Clark RN & SC Jewett. (2015). "A new sea star of the genus Leptasterias (Asteroidea: Asteriidae) from the Aleutian Islands".  Zootaxa. 3941(4):579-584.

Jewett, S.C., R.N. Clark, H. Chenelot, S. Harper, & M. Hoberg.. (2015). "Field Guide to Sea Stars of the Aleutian Islands".  SG-ED-79:165 p.. Alaska Sea Grant.

Kuklinski, P., A.V. Grischenko, & S.C. Jewett. (2015). "Two new species of cheilostome bryozoan Cheilopora from the Aleutian Islands". Zootaxa. 3963:434-442.

Lovvorn JR, AR Rocha, SC Jewett, D Dasher, S Oppel, & AN Powell. (2015). "Limits to benthic feeding by eiders in a critical Arctic migration corridor due to localized prey and changing sea ice Progress". Oceanography. 136-162-174

Jewett SC . (2014). Diving for Science 2014: Proceedings of the 33rd Scientific Diving Symposium, October 9-13, 2014, Sitka, AK. "Four decades of research diving in Alaska". Ed. Eckert, G.L., S. Keller, and S.L. Tamone. :28-49. American Academy of Underwater Sciences.

Jewett, S.C. & G.S. Drew. (2014). "Recolonization of the intertidal and shallow subtidal community following the 2008 eruption of Alaska’s Kasatochi Volcano". Biogeosciences Discussions. 11:3799-3836.

Stevens BG & SC Jewett. (2014). "King crabs of the world: Biology and fisheries management. Growth, molting, and feeding of king crabs".  Ed. Bradley G. Stevens . (Chapter 11, pp. 315-361) CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group,

C. Yeung, M.-S. Yang, S. C. Jewett and A. S. Naidu. (2013). "Polychaete assemblage as surrogate for prey availability in assessing southeastern Bering Sea flatfish habitat". Journal of Sea Research. 76:211-221.

L. R. Walker, D. S. Sikes, A. R. DeGange, S. C. Jewett, G. Michaelson, S. L. Talbot, S. S. Talbot, B. Wang and J. C. Williams. (2013). "Biological legacies: Direct early ecosystem recovery and food web reorganization after a volcanic eruption". Alaska Ecoscience. 20:240-251.

S. C. Jewett. (2013). Proceedings of the 2013 AAUS/ESDP Curacao Joint International Scientific Diving Symposium, October 24-27, 2013. "Mining-induced and storm-induced benthic disturbances in Norton Sound, Alaska". Ed. M. A. Lang and M. D. J. Sayer . 2013 AAUS/ESDP Curacao Joint International Scientific Diving Symposium:125-138.

Jewett SC, RN Clark, H Chenelot, S Harper, & MK Hoberg. (2012). "Sea stars of the nearshore Aleutian".  Archipelago Proceedings of the 31st American Academy of Underwater Sciences Symposium, Dauphin Island, AL: AAUS. :144-172.

Brewer R, H Chenelot, S Harper & S Jewett. (2011). "Sea Life of the Aleutians: An Underwater Photo Journey". Alaska Sea Grant, SG-ED-71.

D. Piepenburg, P. Archambault, W. Ambrose, A. Blanchard, B. Bluhm, M. Carroll, K. Conlan, M. Cusson, H. Feder, J. Grebmeier, S. Jewett, M. LŽvesque, V. Petryashev, M. Sejr, B. Sirenko and M. W?odarska-Kowalczuk. (2011). "Towards a pan-Arctic inventory of the species diversity of the macro- and megabenthic fauna of the Arctic shelf seas". Marine Biodiversity. 41(1):51-70.

H. Chenelot, S. C. Jewett and M. K. Hoberg. (2011). "Macrobenthos of the nearshore Aleutian Archipelago, with emphasis on invertebrates associated with Clathromorphum nereostratum (Rhodophyta, Corallinaceae)". Marine Biodiversity. 41:413-424.

H. Feder, K. Iken, A. Blanchard, S. Jewett and S. Schonberg. (2011). "Benthic food web structure in the southeastern Chukchi Sea: an assessment using (delta)13C and (delta)15N analyses". Polar Biology. 34(4):521-532.

Jewett SC & RN Clark. (2011). "Discoveries of new marine species of the Aleutian Islands". Proceedings of the 30th American Academy of Underwater Sciences Symposium, Dauphin Island, AL. AAUS. :91-109.

R. N. Clark and S. C. Jewett. (2011). "A new genus of sea star, Hippasteria (Asteroidea: Goniasteridae), from the Aleutian Islands". Zootaxa. 2963:48-54.

R. N. Clark and S. C. Jewett. (2011). "Three new sea stars (Asteroidea: Solasteridae) from the Aleutian Islands". Zootaxa. 3051:13-Jan.

S. C. Jewett. (2011). "So you want to be a scientific diver?". Oncorhynchus. 31:4-Jan.

S. C. Jewett and R. N. Clark. (2011). Diving for Science 2011. Proceedings of the 30th American Academy of Underwater Sciences Symposium, Dauphin Island, AL. "Discoveries of new nearshore plants and invertebrates of the Aleutian Islands" Ed. N. W. Pollock. AAUS.

S. C. Jewett, J. L. Bodkin, H. Chenelot, G. G. Esslinger and M. K. Hoberg. (2011). Diving for Science 2010. Proceedings of the 29th American Academy of Underwater Sciences Symposium, Dauphin Island, AL. "Reconnaissance of the benthic community around Kasatochi Island, one year after the 2008 volcanic eruption". Ed. N. W. Pollock. AAUS.

Whiting, A., D. Griffith, S. Jewett, L. Clough, W. Ambrose, and J. Johnson. (2011). "Combining Inupiat and Scientific Knowledge: Ecology in Northern Kotzebue Sound, Alaska". :71. Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Eash-Loucks W., S. Jewett, D. Fautin, M. Hoberg and H. Chenelot. (2010). "Ptychodactis aleutiensis, a new species of ptychodactiarian sea anemone (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria) from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska". Marine Biology Research. 6:570-578.

R. N. Clark and S. C. Jewett.. (2010). "A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island". Archipelago Zootaxa. 2571:Jan-36.

S. C. Jewett, J.L. Bodkin, H. Chenelot, G.G. Esslinger and M. K. Hoberg. (2010). "The nearshore benthic community of Kasatochi Island, one year after the 2008 volcanic eruption". Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 42:315-324.

S. Jewett, L. Clough, A. L. Blanchard, W. Ambrose, H. Feder, M. Hoberg and A. Whiting. (2009). "Nearshore macrobenthos of northern Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, with reference to local sewage disposal". Polar Biology. 32(11):1665-1680.

H. Chenelot, S. Jewett and M. Hoberg. (2008). Diving for Science 2008. Proceedings of the 27th American Academy of Underwater Sciences Symposium. "Invertebrate communities associated with various substrates in the nearshore eastern Aleutian Islands, with emphasis on thick crustose coralline algae". Ed. P. Bruggeman and N. W. Pollock. AAUS.

S. C. Jewett, R. Brewer, H. Chenelot, R. Clark, D. Dasher, S. Harper and M. Hoberg. (2008). Diving for Science 2008. Proceedings of the 27th American Academy of Underwater Sciences Symposium. "Scuba techniques for the Alaska Monitoring and Assessment Program (AKMAP) of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska". Ed. Bruggeman, P. & N.W. Pollock. AAUS.

Burger, J., Gochfeld, & S.C. Jewett. (2007). "Radionuclides in benthic invertebrates from Amchitka and Kiska Islands in the Aleutian chain Alaska". Environ. Monit. & Assess.. 128:329-341.

Burger, J., Gochfeld, M., Kosson, D., Powers, C.W., Friedlander, B., Stabin, M., Favret, D., Jewett, S.C., Snigaroff, D., Snigaroff, R., Stamm, T., Weston, J., & C. Jeitner. (2007). "Radionuclides in marine fishes and birds from Amchitka and Kiska islands in the Aleutians: establishing a baseline". Health Physics. 92(3):265-279.

Feder, H.M., Jewett, S.C. & A. Blanchard. (2007). "Southeastern Chukchi Sea (Alaska) macrobenthos". Polar Biol. 30:261-275.

Jewett SC & Duffy LK. (2007). "Mercury in Fishes of Alaska, with emphasis on subsistence foods Sci". Total Envir. 387(1-3):3-27.

McMahan D, JO Jensen, SC Jewett, J Kelley, S Naidu, H Van Tilburg, & M Burwell. (2007). "Submerged cultural resource management on the Last Frontier: Reconnaissance, GIS mapping, and biotic/geochemical characterization of threatened shipwreck sites in southeast Alaska". Ed. Pollock and Godfrey . Diving for Science 2007. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences 26th Annual Divi. :69-81.

Burger, J., Gochfeld, & S.C. Jewett. . (2006). "Selecting species for marine assessment of radionuclides on Amchitka: planning for diverse goals and interests". Environ. Monit. & Assess.. 123(1-3):371-391.

Burger, J., Gochfeld, M., Burke, S., Jeitner, C.W., Jewett, S.C., Snigaroff, D., Snigaroff, R., Stamm, T., Harper, S., Hoberg, M., Chenelot, H., Patrick, R., Volz, C.D. & J. Weston. 2006. "Do scientists and fishermen collect the same fish? Possible implications for exposure assessment". Environ. Res.. 101(1):34-41.

Burger, J., Gochfeld, M., Kosson, D., Powers, C.W., Jewett, S., Friedlander, Chenelot, H., Volz, C.D. & C. Jeitner.. (2006). "Radionuclides in marine macroalgae from Amchitka and Kiska Islands in the Aleutians: establishing a baseline for future biomonitoring". J. Environ. Radio. 91:27-40.

Burger, J., Jewett, S.C., Gochfeld, M., Hoberg, M., Harper, S., Chenelot, H., Jeitner, C.W., & Burke, S.. (2006). "The use of biota sampling for environmental contaminant analysis for characterization of benthic communities in the Aleutians". Sci. Total Environ.. 369:393-402.

Gochfeld, M., Volz, C.D., Jewett, S.C., Burger, J., Powers, C.W., & B. Friedlander.. (2006). "Developing a health and safety plan for hazardous fieldwork in remote areas". J. Occup. & Environ. Hyg.. 3(671-683)

Jewett, S.C., Hoberg, M., Chenelot, H., Harper, S., Burger, J., & Gochfeld, M.. (2006). "Scuba techniques used in risk assessment of possible nuclear leakage around Amchitka Island, Alaska". Ed. Godfrey J.M. and Shumway, S.E.. Diving for Science 2005 Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences 24th Annual Divin. CTSG-06-03:143-156. U. Conn. Sea Grant,

Volz, C., Powers C., Burger J., Kosson, D., Gochfeld M., Friedlander B., Barnes D., Bliss L., Jewett S., Johnson, M., Stabin M., Unsworth M., Vyas V., & Horsch J.. (2006). Scientific networking and the global health supercourse. NATO Security through Science Series D: Information and Communication Security-Vol. 5. The CRESP Amchitka expedition: a model for multi- and interdisciplinary research into radionuclide contamination of the marine environment Ed. F. Linkov and R. LaPorte . IOS Press,

Ben-David M., Blundell, G.M., J.W. Kern, A.K. Maier, E.D. Brown, & S.C. Jewett. (2005). "Communication in river otters: creation of variable resource sheds for terrestrial communities". Ecol.. 86(5):1131-1345.

Burger, J., Gochfeld, M., Kosson, D., Powers, C.W., Friedlander, B., Eichelberger, J., Barnes, D., Duffy, L.K., Jewett, S.C. & C.D. Volz.. (2005). "Science, policy, and stakeholders: developing a consensus science plan for Amchitka Island, Aleutians, Alaska". Environ. Mgmt. . 35:557-68.

Feder, H. M., S. C. Jewett and A. Blanchard. (2005). "Southeastern Chukchi Sea epibenthos". Polar Biology . 28:402-421.

Bowyer, R.T., G.M. Blundell, M. Ben-David, S.C. Jewett, T.A. Dean, & L.K. Duffy.. (2003). "Effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on river otters: injury and recovery of a sentinel species". Wildl. Mono. 153:1-53.

Jewett, S.C., T.A. Dean, B.R. Woodin, M.K. Hoberg, & J.J. Stegeman.. (2003). Letter to the Editor of Marine Environmental Research. Reply Comment regarding Comments on “Exposure to hydrocarbons ten years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill: evidence from cytochrome P4501A expression and biliary FACs in nearshore demersal fishes”. Mar. Environ. Res.. 55(5):463-468.

Jewett, S.C., Zhang, X., A.S. Naidu, J.J. Kelley, D. Dasher, & L.K. Duffy. (2003). "Comparison of mercury and methylmercury in northern pike and Arctic grayling from western Alaska rivers". Chemosphere. 50(3):383-392.

Bodkin, J.L., B.E. Ballachey, T.A. Dean, A.K. Fukuyama, S.C. Jewett, L. McDonald, D.H. Monson, C.E. O’Clair, & G.R. VanBlaricom.. (2002). "Sea otter population status and the process of recovery from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill". Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.. 241(237-253)

Dean, T.A., J.L. Bodkin, A.K. Fukuyama, S.C. Jewett, D.H. Monson, C.E. O’Clair, & G.R. VanBlaricom.. (2002). "Food limitations and recovery of sea otters in Prince William Sound following the Exxon Valdez oil spill". Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.. 241:255-270.

Esler, D., T.D. Bowman, K.A. Trust. B.E. Ballachey, T.A. Dean, S.C. Jewett & C.E. O’Clair. (2002). "Harlequin duck population recovery following the Exxon Valdez oil spill: progress, process, and constraints". Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.. 241:271-286.

Golet, G.H., P.E. Seiser, A.D. McGuire, D.D. Roby, J.B. Fischer, K.J. Kuletz, D.B. Irons, T.A. Dean, S.C. Jewett, & S.H. Newman. . (2002). "Long-term direct and indirect effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on pigeon guillemots in Prince William Sound, Alaska". Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.. 241:287-304.

Jewett, S.C., T.A. Dean, B.R. Woodin, M.K. Hoberg, & J.J. Stegeman. . (2002). "Exposure to hydrocarbons ten years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill: evidence from cytochrome P4501A expression and biliary FACs in nearshore demersal fishes". Mar. Environ. Res.. 54(1):21-48.

Blundell, G.M., S.C. Jewett, T.A. Dean, & R.T. Bowyer. . (2001). "An experiment of simulated predation: can river otters become food limited in a marine system?". Ed. Jewett, S.C. Cold Water Diving for Science. American Academy of Underwater Sciences, 21st Annual Scientific Divin. :5-9. Alaska Sea Grant, doi: AK-SG-01-06

Dean, T.A. & S.C. Jewett.. (2001). "Habitat-specific recovery of shallow subtidal communities following the Exxon Valdez oil spill". Ecol. Appl.. 11(5):1456-1471.

Jewett, S.C., T.A., Dean, & M.K. Hoberg..  (2001). "Scuba techniques used to assess the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill". Ed. Jewett, S.C. . Cold Water Diving for Science. American Academy of Underwater Sciences, 21st Annual Scientific Divin. :43-52. Alaska Sea Grant, doi: AK-SG-01-06

Kelley, J.J., A.S. Naidu, S.C. Jewett, L.K. Duffy, & X. Zhang..  (2001). The 16th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice. "Total and methyl mercury in muscles, livers and eggs of adult salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) from Alaskan rivers draining into the east Bering Sea". 248-254 Okhotsk Sea & Cold Ocean Research Association,

Zhang, X., A.S. Naidu, J.J. Kelley, S.C. Jewett, D. Dasher, & L.K. Duffy. (2001). "Baseline concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury in salmon returning via the Bering Sea (1999-2000)". Mar. Pollut. Bull. 42:993-997.

Blundell G.M., R.T. Bowyer, M. Ben-David, T.A. Dean S.C. Jewett. (2000). "Effects of food resources on spacing behavior of river otters: does forage abundance control home-range size?". Ed. J.H.Eiler, D. Alcorn and M. Neuman . Biotelemetry. 15: Proceedings of the 15th International Society on Biotelemetry International Society on Biotelemetry,

Dean, T.A., J.L. Bodkin, S.C. Jewett, D.H. Monson, and D. Jung. (2000). "Changes in sea urchins and kelp following a reduction in sea otter density as a result of the Exxon Valdez oil spill". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 199:281–291.

Dean, T.A., L. Haldorson, D.R. Laur, S.C. Jewett, & A. Blanchard. (2000). "The distribution of nearshore fishes in kelp and eelgrass communities in Prince William Sound, Alaska: associations with vegetation and physical habitat characteristics". Envir. Biol. Fishes.. 57:271-287.

Esler, D., T.D. Bowman, T.A. Dean, C.E. O’Clair, S.C. Jewett, & L.L. McDonald. (2000). "Correlates of Harlequin duck densities during winter in Prince William Sound, Alaska". Condor. 102:920-926.

Jewett, S.C. & A.S. Naidu. . (2000). "Assessment of heavy metals in red king crabs following offshore placer mining". Mar. Pollut. Bull. 40(6):478-490.

Jewett, S.C. . (1999). "Assessment of red king crabs following offshore placer mining in Norton Sound Alaska Fisheries". Res. Bull.. 6(1):1-18.

Jewett, S.C., H.M. Feder, & A. Blanchard. (1999). "Assessment of the benthic environment following offshore placer mining in Northeastern Bering Sea". Mar. Environ. Res.. 48:1-32.

Jewett, S.C., T.A. Dean, R.O. Smith, & A. Blanchard. (1999). "The Exxon Valdez oil spill: impacts and recovery of the soft-bottom benthic community in and adjacent to eelgrass beds". Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.. 185:59-83.

Dean, T.A., M.S. Stekoll, S.C. Jewett, R.O. Smith, & J.E. Hose. . (1998). "Eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Prince William Sound, Alaska: Effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill". Mar. Pollut. Bull. 36(3):201-210.

Dean, T. A., S.C. Jewett, D.R. Laur, & R.O. Smith. (1996). "Injury to epibenthic macroinvertebrates in the nearshore subtidal zone resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill". Ed. Rice, S.D., R.B. Spies, D.A. Wolfe, & B.A. Wright . Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium. Number 18:424-439.

Jewett, S.C., T. A. Dean, & D.R. Laur. . (1996). "The effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on benthic invertebrates in an oxygen-deficient embayment in Prince William Sound, Alaska". Ed. Rice, S.D., R.B. Spies, D.A. Wolfe, & B.A. Wright . Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium. Number 8

Feder, H.M., A.S. Naidu, S.C. Jewett, M.J. Hameedi, W.R. Johnson & T.E. Whitledge. (1994). "The Northeastern Chukchi Sea: benthos-environmental interactions". Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 111(1&2):171-190.

H. M. Feder, N. R. Foster, S. C. Jewett, T. J. Weingartner and R. Baxteer. (1994). "Mollusks in the Northeastern Chukchi Sea".  Arctic. 47(2):145-163.

Dean, T.A. & S. Jewett. (1993). "The effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on epibenthic invertebrates in the shallow subtidal". Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium (Abstracts), Feb. 2-5 1993. :91-93. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council,

Dean, T.A., M. Stekoll & S. Jewett. (1993). "The effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on eelgrass and subtidal algae". Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium (Abstracts), Feb. 2-5 1993. :94-96. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council,

Jewett, S.C.. (1993). "Biological effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill: Coastal habitat: shallow subtidal regions". Alaska's Wildlife. 25(1):22-23.

Jewett, S.C. & T.A. Dean. (1993). "The effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on infaunal invertebrates in the eelgrass habitat of Prince William Sound". Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium (Abstracts), Feb. 2-5 1993. :97-99. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.

Jewett, S.C., T.A. Dean & D.R. Laur. . (1993). "The effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on benthic invertebrates in silled fjords in Prince William Sound". Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium (Abstracts). :87-90. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.

Naidu, A.S., R.S. Scalan, H.M. Feder, J.J. Goering, M.J. Hameedi, P.L. Parker, E.W. Behrens, M.E. Caughey & S.C. Jewett. . (1993). "Stable organic carbon isotopes in sediments of the north Bering - south Chukchi Sea, Alaskan-Soviet Arctic shelf". Cont. Shelf. Res. 13(5/6):669-691.

Naidu, A.S., S.C. Jewett, H.M. Feder, & M.K. Hoberg. (1993). "Stable carbon isotope ratios of Prince William Sound subtidal sediments, prior and subsequent to the Exxon Valdez oil spill". Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Anchorage, AK. :341-342.

Rusanowski, P.C., L.A. Gardner, S.C. Jewett & C. King. . (1990). "Trace metals concentrations in red king crabs from Norton Sound Lowell". Wakefield Fisheries Symposia Series, Proceedings of the International Symposium on King and T. 90-04 Alaska Sea Grant Rep.

Jewett, S.C., R.H. Day & H.M. Feder. (1989). "Feeding biology of the blackfin sculpin (Malacocottus kincaidi Gilbert and Thompson 1905) and the spinyhead sculpin (Dasycottus setiger Bean 1890) in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska". Pac. Sci.. 43(2):144-151.

Feder, H.M. & S.C. Jewett. . (1988). Environmental Studies of Port Valdez, Alaska. Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies. The subtidal benthos Ed. D.G. Shaw and M.J. Hameedi . 24:165-202. Springer-Verlag.

Jewett, S.C.. (1988). Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas Strategic Assessment: Data Atlas. Epifaunal invertebrate biomass, Section 2.4 Strategic Assessment Branch, Ocean Assessment Division, NOAA, U.S. Dept. Commerce.

Jewett, S.C. . (1988). Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas Strategic Assessment: Data Atlas.. Infaunal invertebrate biomass, Section 2.5. Strategic Assessment Branch, Ocean Assessment Division, NOAA, U.S. Dept. Commerce.

Jewett, S.C. & C.P. Onuf. . (1988). "Habitat suitability index models: red king crab". U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Biol. Rep.. 82(10.153):34.

Feder, H.M. & S.C. Jewett. (1987). The subtidal benthos. The Gulf of Alaska: Physical Environment and Biological Resources Ed. D.W. Hood & S.T. Zimmerman (eds.). :347-396. U.S. Dept. of Commerce. U. S. Government Printing Office.

Jewett, S.C. . (1986). "Mortality of spot shrimp associated with streamer tags". N. Am. J. Fish. Mngt. 6(2):260-260.

Jewett, S.C., N.A. Sloan & D.A. Somerton. (1985). (Also published In B.R. Melteff (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on king crab. Alaska Sea Grant Rep. 85-12, 507 p.). "Size at sexual maturity and fecundity of fjord-dwelling golden king crab Lithodes aequispina Benedict from northern British Columbia". J. Crust. Biol.. 5(3):377-385.

Jewett, S.C. & H.M. Feder. . (1983). Also published In B.R. Melteff (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Genus Chionoecetes. Alaska Sea Grant Rep. 82-10, 1982, 732 pp.). "Food of the Tanner crab, Chionoecetes bairdi, near Kodiak Island, Alaska". J. Crust. Biol.. 3:196-207.

Jewett, S.C. & H.M. Feder. (1982). "Food and feeding habits of the king crab Paralithodes camtschatica near Kodiak Island, Alaska". Mar. Biol. 66:243-250.

Feder, H.M. & S.C. Jewett. (1981). "Feeding Interactions in the Eastern Bering Sea with Emphasis on the Benthos". The Eastern Bering Sea Shelf: Oceanography and Resources, Vol. II Ed. D. W. Hood & J. A. Calder (Eds.). :1229-1261. U.S. Dept. of Commerce.,

Jewett, S.C. . (1981). "Variations in some reproductive aspects of female snow crabs Chionoecetes opilio". J. Shellfish Res.. 1(1):95-99.

Jewett, S.C. & G.C. Powell. . (1981). "Nearshore movement of king crab". Alaska Seas and Coasts. 9(3):6-8.

Jewett, S.C. & H.M. Feder. (1981). The Eastern Bering Sea Shelf: Oceanography and Resources. "Epifaunal invertebrates of the Continental Shelf of the eastern Bering and Chukchi Seas". Ed. D.W. Hood & J.A. Calder . :1131-1153. U.S. Dept. of Commerce.

Hoberg, M.K., H.M. Feder, & S.C. Jewett. . (1980). "Some Aspects of the biology of the parasitic gastropod, Asterophila japonica Randall and heath (Prosobranchia: Melanellidae), from southeastern Chukchi Sea and northeastern Bering Sea". Alaska Ophelia. 19(1):73-77.

Jewett, S.C. & H.M. Feder. (1980). (Also published In B.R. Melteff (ed.), Proceedings of the 29th Alaska Science Conference. Alaska Fisheries: 200 years and 200 miles of change). 796 pp.. "Autumn food of the starry flounder, Platichthys stellatus, from the northeastern Bering Sea and the southeastern Chukchi Sea". J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 39(1):7-17.

Jewett, S.C. & G.C. Powell. (1979). "Summer food of the sculpins, Myoxocephalus spp. and Hemilepidotus jordani, near Kodiad Island, Alaska". Mar. Sci. Commun. 5(4&5):315-331.

Paul, A.J., H.M. Feder & S.C. Jewett. (1979). "Food of the snow crab, Chionoecetes bairdi, Rathbun 1924, from Cook Inlet, Alaska (Decapoda, Majidae) Crustaceana". Suppl. 5:62-68.

Feder, H.M., S.C. Jewett & J. Hilsinger. (1978). "Man-made debris on the Bering Sea floor". Mar. Poll. Bull.. 9(2):52-53.

Jewett, S.C.. (1978). "Summer food of the Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus, near Kodiak Island, Alaska". Fishery Bulletin. 76(3):700–706.

Jewett, S.C. . (1977). "Alaska's latent fishery - Pacific cod". Alaska Seas and Coast. 5(1):6-8.

Jewett, S.C. & H.M. Feder. (1977). "Biology of the harpacticoid copepod, Harpacticus uniremis, Kröyer on Dayville Flats, Port Valdez". Alaska Ophelia. 16(1):111-129.

Jewett, S.C. & R.E. Haight. . (1977). "Description of megalopa of snow crab Chionoecetes bairdi (Majidae, sub-family Oregoniinae)". Fish. Bull.. 75(2):459-463.

Jewett, S.C. . (1976). "Pollutants of the northeast Gulf of Alaska". Mar. Poll. Bull.. 7(9):169.


  • benthic ecology
  • trophic interactions
  • benthic impact assessments
  • Arctic ecosystems
  • pollution and contamination monitoring
  • scuba techniques for scientific divers
  • Aleutian Islands nearshore ecosystem
  • offshore marine mining impacts


Current Research Projects

  • Alaska Monitoring and Assessment Program of Estuaries within the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska, 2015-2018 (Coastal Marine Institute). The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the University of Alaska (UA) are conducting an aquatic resource survey of estuaries with the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska (NPR-A) in 2015. This survey is being conducted under the Alaska Monitoring and Assessment Program (AKMAP) DEC and UA Addendum to a Memorandum of Agreement reauthorized in 2012. This survey is part of the 2015 National Coastal Condition Assessment (NCCA), a nationwide assessment of coastal condition. NOAA is also partnering with us under its National Status and Trends Program. University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute support provides a more robust program to maintain a minimum of 20 stations in each strata (Chukchi and Beaufort), including other critical parameters, such as demersal fish abundance. Multiple indicators of ecological condition are used at each station to relate biological response, contaminant exposure and habitat condition. Uniform sampling methods and analytical procedures are followed to allow for nationwide comparisons of condition. AKMAP NPR-A will use four NCAA indices of condition—water quality (pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, nutrients, total suspended solids, light transmittance, chlorophyll a), sediment quality (hydrocarbons, trace metals, total organic carbon), benthic community condition, and fish tissue contaminants. Fish abundance will also be obtained from the 1-meter beam trawl effort. A Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) probability-based design with equal probability of selection within each stratum was used in the initial station selection. Final station design may be modified based on contracted boat draft and bathymetric information. The survey design allows for inferences to be made of the areal extent in acres of the ecological condition of estuaries within NPR-A. The overall goal for the survey is to assess the condition of estuarine aquatic resources in regards to selected water quality criteria and provide a baseline for future trend assessment.


Honors and Awards

  • 2023 New species of marine gastropod named after Dr. Jewett, Neptunea jewetti McLean & Clark, 2023; Zootaxa 5351(2):151-201, 2023; doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5351.2.1
  • 2019 Awarded Diving Safety Officer Emeritus, American of Academy of Underwater Sciences
  • 2019 Scientific Diving Lifetime Achievement Award from American Academy of Underwater Sciences ($1,000)
  • 2018 Wally Noerenberg Award for Fisheries Excellence (co-recipient), Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society ($1,000)
  • 2015 Awarded Research Professor Emeritus, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • 2015 Commencement Grand Marshall, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • 2013 Conrad Limbaugh Memorial Award for Scientific Diving Leadership from American Academy of Underwater Sciences ($1,000)
  • 2011 Fellow National, The Explorers Club
  • 2011 Career Achievement Award, John Brown University Alumni Assoc.
  • 2006 Fulbright Scholar: Senior Specialist in Environmental Science at Catholic University of the North, Coquimbo, Chile
  • 2004 Emil Usibelli Distinguished Research Award ($10,000)
  • 2004 The Wildlife Society Wildlife Publications Award for Outstanding Monograph (co-recipient)


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