Rachel Potter

Rachel Potter

Research Staff

Physical Oceanography

College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Institute of Marine Science
114 O'Neill - P.O. Box 757220
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7220


Duke University
M.S. (Oceanography)

University of South Carolina
B.S. (Marine Science)

University of South Carolina
B.S. (Mathematics)



Weingartner, T. J., R. A. Potter, C. A. Stoudt, E. L. Dobbins, H. Statscewich, P. R. Winsor, T. D. Mudge, and K. Borg. (2017). "Transport and thermohaline variability in Barrow Canyon on the Northeastern Chukchi Sea Shelf".  J. Geophys. Res. Oceans. 122
doi: 10.1002/2016JC012636

Ying-Chih Fang, T. J. Weingartner, R. A. Potter, P. R. Winsor, and H. Statscewich. (2015). "Quality Assessment of HF Radar Derived Surface Currents Using Optimal Interpolation". J. Atmos. Ocean Technol. 32:282-296.
doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00109.1

Thomas Weingartner, E. Dobbins, S Danielson, P. Winsor, R. Potter, and H. Statscewich. (2013). "Hydrographic variability over the northeastern Chukchi Sea shelf in summer-fall 2008 – 2010". Continental Shelf Research. 62:5-22.
doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2013.03.012

S. R. Okkonen, C. Ashjian, R.G. Campbell, W. Maslowski, J.L. Clement-Kinney and R. Potter. (2009). "Intrusion of warm Bering/Chukchi waters onto the western Beaufort Shelf". J. Geophys. Res. 114(C00A11)
doi: 10.1029/2008JC004870



  • Mapping Surface Currents with High-Frequency Radar
  • Satellite Oceanography