Arctic Ecosystem Integrated Survey |
Assessing the impacts of hydrokinetic turbines on fishes in Alaska |
Behavior and migration of Atlantic halibut |
Causes and ecological consequences of hatchery chum salmon straying in Southeast Alaska |
Chandalar River chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) riverscape-scale salmon habitat assessment and monitoring. |
Characterization of resident rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) seasonal habitats in Willow Creek, Alaska. |
Collective navigation during the spawning migrations of Pacific salmon |
Development and calibration of bioelectrical impedance analysis as a measure of energetic
status of arctic grayling |
Dispersal patterns and summer ocean distribution of adult Dolly Varden char in the
Chukchi Sea, evaluated with pop-up satellite tags |
Early marine ecology and regional discrimination of chum salmon |
Ecological causes and consequences of straying: stress and competition on the spawning
grounds between wild and hatchery-produced chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)
My project investigates how stress encountered during development may influence straying
rates of hatchery reared chum salmon, and how stress affects spawning behaviors of
hatchery and wild adults in a natural environment.
Ecology and genetic diversity of burbot in western Siberia and Alaska: reconstructing
post-Beringian history and differentiation |
Electrofishing theory and practice |
Estimating the distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) using habitat modeling and eDNA in an interior Alaska river basin. |
Evaluation of growth, survival, and recruitment of Chinook salmon in the Stikine and
Chilkat rivers |
Evaluation of growth, survival, and recruitment of Chinook salmon in the Taku and
Unuk rivers |
Fishery, climate, and ecological effects on Pacific halibut size-at-age
This collaborative project seeks to determine potential human and natural causes for
a long-term decline in size-at-age of Pacific halibut since the 1980s
Growth and dispersal of early life history stages of Arctic cod and saffron cod under
variable climate forcing
Developing an individual-based model on the growth and dispersal of early life history
stages of Arctic cod and saffron cod for the Pacific Arctic
Interdisciplinary assessment of the skate fishery in the Gulf of Alaska |
Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) otoliths as biochronological indicators of recent climate patterns in high Arctic
lakes. |
Lamprey diet and its impact on pollock and on incidental catch from groundfish fisheries |
Marine entry timing and growth rates of juvenile chum salmon in Alkaskan waters of
the Chukchi and Northern Bering seas |
Marine invertebrate collection, University of Alaska Museum of the North |
Migration and behavior of Dolly Varden in the Beaufort Sea, examined with pop-up satellite
tags |
Movements, site fidelity, and activity of northern pike in Minto Lake, Alaska |
NE Chukchi Sea AKMAP |
Oceanic dispersal and behavior of Chinook salmon in the Bering Sea |
Pacific halibut migration and behavior |
Pribs Blues Muse: Pribilof Islands blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus) recruitment limitation as a potential bottleneck to rebuilding from overfished status |
Resilience and adaptive capacity of arctic marine systems under a changing climate
(RACArctic) |
Role of environmental processes in structuring the distribution of Chinook salmon
spawning and rearing habitats across a large Alaska river basin. |
Sablefish stock assessment |
Stikine and Taku River Chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawystcha) distribution and migration patterns and their relationship to body condition. |
Spawner-recruit relationship of Chinook salmon in the Kuskokwim River drainage |
Spawning coho salmon habitat associations in Susitna River tributaries, Alaska |
Species discrimination and life history of lampreys in interior Alaska rivers |
Temperature, phenology, and embryo survival in Western Alaska sockeye salmon populations:
the potential for adaptation to a warming world? |
Tiger shark population structure, habitat usage, and ecological role in the waters
around Bimini, Bahamas |
Using a stage structured population dynamics model to determine key environmental
and fishery-related drivers of AYK Chinook salmon survival |
Vertical movement patterns and habitat use of burbot in Tanada and Copper Lakes, Alaska |