Arctic Tracer Release Experiment (ARCTREX): Applications for Mapping Spilled Oil in Arctic Waters
Project Description
The goal of this project is to simulate a small oil spill in the Chukchi Sea in order to test the ability of currently available observational technologies and web-based GIS tools to provide real time data and maps to response agencies. We will perform a series of dye release experiments during the ice-free seasons of 2014 and 2015, and sample the resulting plumes with satellite-tracked surface drifters, AUV gliders, an Acrobat towed vehicle, extended-range high frequency radar, and a VMP-250 vertical microstructure profiler. Data will then be ingested into NOAA's Environmental Response Management Application ERMA (Arctic ERMA) for inclusion in their web-based mapping tool.Funding is by The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and The U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
Project Funding
multiple funding sources
Start Date: 2013-05-00 End Date: 2016-04-00
Peter Winsor
Principal Investigator
- Alaska Ocean Observing System
- Physical Oceanography
Harper Simmons
Co-Principal Investigator
Robert Chant, Rutgers University
Amy Merten, NOAA
- Elizabeth Dobbins
- Hank Statscewich, 907-474-7245,