Electrofishing Theory and Practice

Project Description

Electrofishing is a common non-lethal fish sampling technique for research and management in freshwaters. Despite steady progress in areas of equipment development and fish welfare, many basic questions remain unanswered. For example, what factors affect differences among species and sizes of fish in their electrical thresholds for capture? Also, what technological improvements can be made to electrofishing equipment that will, based on neuro-physiological science, improve capture efficiency with minimal fish trauma? The Principal Investigator, after 30+ years of study, continues to pursue these questions in retirement.

Project Funding

Amount: None
Start Date: 2003-09-00
End Date: 0000-00-00


Publications and products

Reynolds, J. B.. (2004). "Injury of American Eels Captured by Electrofishing and Trap-Netting". North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 24:686–689.

Reynolds, J. B.. (2015). Comment: Experimental Studies of Electroshock Effects on Fish Require In-Water Measurements and Fish Threshold Observations to Achieve Electrofishing Context. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 35:205–206.


Research Team

Jim Reynolds

Jim Reynolds

Principal Investigator

Professor Emeritus


  • Electrofishing Theory and Applications

Full Profile