Project Description
Located at the mouth of Resurrection Bay near Seward, Alaska, temperature and salinity versus depth profiles have been taken at oceanographic station GAK1 since December, 1970. This multi-decade time series is one of the longest running oceanographic time series in the North Pacific. Long-term means of temperature and density at selected depths show the annual cycle of these two water properties. Monthly mean profiles at the standard depths are shown here, of temperature and salinity. Anomalies show interannual variation in the thermohaline structure at GAK1. Salinity, not temperature, is the primary variable that drives the density here in the northern Gulf of Alaska. The annual cycle of salinity closely follows that of density at all depths. GAK1 is the station closest to shore on the Seward Line transect of hydrographic stations, which extends approximately 230 km to the southeast of GAK1. For reference, we provide Gulf of Alaska a large-scale look at the surface current field, annual precipitation rates, and a view of the topographic/bathymetric relief.
Project Funding
Multiple funding sources
Start Date: 1970-12-00
End Date: 0000-00-00
M. A. Janout, T. J. Weingartner, T. C. Royer and S. L. Danielson. (2010). "On the
nature of winter cooling and the recent temperature shift on the northern Gulf of
Alaska shelf". Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans. 115:-.
doi 10.1029/2009jc005774
Royer, T.C.. (2005). "Hydrographic responses at a coastal site in the northern Gulf
of Alaska to seasonal and interannual forcing". Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography. 52 (1-2):267-288.
T. J. Weingartner, S. L. Danielson and T. C. Royer. (2005). "Freshwater variability
and predictability in the Alaska Coastal Current". Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography. 52(2-Jan):169-191.
doi: 10.1016/J.Dsr2.2004.09.030
Xiong, Q. and T.C. Royer.. (1984). "Coastal temperature and salinity in the northern
Gulf of Alaska". J. Geop. Res. 89:8061-8066.
Research Team

Thomas Weingartner
Principal Investigator
Professor Emeritus
- Physical Oceanography
- Physical oceanography of Alaskan continental shelves and slopes.
- Interdisciplinary marine research
- Wind- and buoyancy-forced shelf circulation systems

Seth Danielson
Co-Principal Investigator
Associate Professor
- Continental shelf circulation processes
- Data processing and analysis
- Atmosphere-ocean interactions