Pacific halibut migration and behavior

Project Description

This large, multi-faceted project uses pop-up satellite and acoustic tags to examine several aspects of the movement and behavior of Pacific halibut. The main research areas include understanding movement and reproductive segregation among large marine ecosystems, timing of spawning migrations, spawning behavior, skip-spawning, and the effectiveness of the Glacier Bay National Park Marine Protected Area. The project began in 2000 and was the subject of my Ph.D. dissertation. Julie Nielsen, a former Ph.D. student whom I advised, continued this research and greatly advanced the modeling approaches used for understanding these aspects of Pacific halibut biology and ecology. Recently, we have partnered with several other organizations to continue this research, specifically to understand the biology and ecology of Pacific halibut at the northern extent of their range in the Bering Sea.

Project Funding

Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association, Central Bering Sea Fisherman's Association, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, International Pacific Halibut Commission, North Pacific Research Board, U.S. Geological Survey, Rasmuson Fisheries Research Center, and Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
Start Date: 0000-00-00
End Date: 0000-00-00



Research Team

Andrew "Andy" Seitz

Andrew "Andy" Seitz

Principal Investigator

Associate Professor


  • Fish behavior
  • Fish migration
  • Behavioral ecology
  • Electronic tagging

Full Profile
Co-Principal Investigators

Tim Loher
International Pacific Halibut Commission


Research Staff

Michael Courtney