Mathematics GER Information

The goal of the mathematics general education is to ensure that students develop basic numeracy skills, are able to employ problem solving strategies, can communicate mathematical concepts, and are able to construct and evaluate mathematical arguments.

New guidelines were developed for all general education requirement (GER) courses starting Fall 2020. Instructors can find information about syllabus structure, required topics, timing, and assessment criteria.  In addition, all math courses fufillling the GER requirements should have information about GERs and GER assessment on their syllabi.  A suggested statement is given below:

This course is listed as a General Education Math Course as such you will be expected to meet the general learning outcomes 1 and 2. Students will be asked to complete a GER assignment in compliance with assessment of these outcomes.

  1. Build knowledge of human institutions, sociocultural processes, and the physical and natural works through the study of mathematics. Competence will be demonstrated for the foundational information in each subject area, its context and significance, and the methods used in advancing each.
  2. Develop intellectual and practical skills across the curriculum, including inquiry and analysis, critical and creative thinking, problem solving, written and oral communication, information literacy, technological competence, and collaborative learning. Proficiency will be demonstrated across the curriculum through critical analysis of proffered information, well-reasoned solutions to problems or inferences drawn from evidence, effective written and oral communication, and satisfactory outcomes of group projects.


All faculty teaching Math GER courses should be submitting course materials (syllabi and final exams) to the department each semester. Deadlines for course materials are listed below and should be sent to

Sept. 1: Fall syllabi due

Dec 15: Fall blank final exam due

Dec 15: Fall graded final exams due 

Jan. 20: Spring syllabi due

Apr 30: Spring blank final exam due

Apr 30: Spring graded final exams due

June 5: Summer syllabi due

Aug 15: Summer blank final exam due

Aug 15: Summer graded final exams due

General Course Guidelines beginning Spring 2021:

  • Math 113X Numbers and Society 
  • Math 114X Patterns and Society 
  • Math 122X Essential Precalculus with Applications
  • Math 151X College Algebra for Calculus 
  • Math 152X Trigonometry 
  • Math 156X Precalculus 
  • Math 230X Essential Calculus with Applications 
  • Math 251X Calculus I 
  • Math 252X Calculus II
  • Math 253X Calculus III 
  • Stat 200 Elementary Probability and Statistics