birch tree with sunshine

HAARP open house Aug. 19

UAF to hold open house at HAARP
UAF will hold an open house at the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program facility in Gakona Aug. 19 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Read more

Public open house Aug. 9: Yankovich, Miller Hill road reconstruction, multiuse path

The project includes a path from the Large Animal Research Station to Ballaine Road that will tie into the existing path on Farmers Loop. Read more

Holdmann to lead OIPC

Gwen Holdmann is the new director of the Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization. She will also continue to serve as director of the Alaska Center for Energy and Power.

Cornerstone moves to daily

The Cornerstone staff and faculty newsletter will move to a daily edition next week. Please visit the news website, too.
Use this submission form to share your announcements.

NASA lidar on Elvey Building provides cloud data

A rapidly blinking green light beam has been flickering skyward in the north corner of the roof since October 2016. It's on all the time, quietly collecting data. Read more

Paddlers pay tribute to historic Sheenjek expedition

Paddlers pay tribute to historic Sheenjek expedition
"It was phenomenal,” Stan Havlick said of his trip with Mike Fallon on the Sheenjek River. The two floated the river to honor a 1956 expedition that involved some well-known UAF alumni and faculty who were advocating for what became the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Read more

Featured photo of the week

A participant in UAF Community and Technical College's 2017 Summer Fire Academy practices on a simulated car fire at the Fairbanks Regional Fire Training Center on Monday, July 31, 2017.
A participant in the Community and Technical College's 2017 Summer Fire Academy practices on a simulated car fire at the Fairbanks Regional Fire Training Center Monday, July 31.

Title IX nondiscrimination statement

UAF's new nondiscrimination statement must be included in most existing and future UAF print and electronic publications. You can find Chancellor White's Aug. 4 memo here. Templates for printing replacement labels are here. More information about the nondiscrimination statement is here.

Week’s events: UAF interviews, laughter yoga, sustainability, local bluegrass

Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning is hosting nearly 50 free lectures, concerts and other events this summer. Here is what’s happening during the week of Aug. 6-12. Read more

Reminder: Presentations for VC for student affairs

Keith Champagne will give the last of three presentations for the position of vice chancellor for student affairs Friday, Aug. 11. Give your thoughts now: Feedback forms on all candidates will close at noon Tuesday, Aug. 15. Read more

Reminder: Fulbright Arctic Initiative presentation Aug. 14

Faculty members are invited to attend a presentation on the Fulbright Arctic Initiative scholar program Monday, Aug. 14. Read more

UAF road project is model for permafrost construction

UAF road project has become model for permafrost construction
When planning began more than a decade ago for a new access road to UAF, it was clear that the high-profile job had a decent chance of turning into a fiasco, but their experiment in road design has turned into a lasting success story. Read more

Using microwaves to see through clouds

Using microwaves to see through clouds
Microwave images provided by UAF's Geographic Information Network of Alaska allow weather forecasters to see through clouds and tell the difference between sea ice and snow-covered land. Read more

In fifth month, trans-Alaska hike nears end

In fifth month, trans-Alaska hike nears end
August, here so soon. And we just passed trans-Alaska oil pipeline milepost 100, which means that distance remains on our summer hike from Valdez to Prudhoe Bay. Read more
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