birch tree with sunshine

Sign up for the Golden Days Grande Parade

Join us at the 2017 Golden Days Grande Parade Saturday, July 22!

Please read through the parade guidelines and sign up here today. A roster and UAF liability waiver is required for all participants, so please sign up in advance. Participants accompanying anyone under 18 must also bring a parental consent form.

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Mushroom expert to lead workshop in Fairbanks

Mushroom expert to lead workshop in Fairbanks
Mushroom expert Gary Laursen will lecture and lead a workshop on the wild mushrooms of the Interior July 28-30 in Fairbanks. Participants in the Introduction to Mushrooms of Tanana Region workshop will collect, identify, and learn how to prepare and preserve wild edible mushrooms.

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Share UAF's admissions website and viewbook with potential students

If you meet a prospective UAF student who wants more information, share the admissions website and the updated viewbook online.

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Teaching Tip: Instruction beyond the bounds of the semester

Students can forget course material between semesters. Instructors can counter this by creating opportunities to engage with subject matter during breaks.

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Daily breaks from bugs ease summer-long walk

Daily breaks from bugs ease summer-long walk
JIM RIVER — On this cobble bar north of the Arctic Circle, it is a fine day. The sky is a sheet of blue, a breeze wraps us with clean air, a sandpiper mom shrieks over her hatchlings. They are gray-blue puffballs, extra cute and almost invisible amid the stones. In short, this is a perfect morning for the human creature, with its narrow range of comfort regarding temperature and insects.

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Temporary Duckering entry closure

As part of the engineering facility construction, upgrades are being made to the Duckering northwest entrance and stairwell.

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Georgeson peonies and wine fundraiser July 21

Georgeson peonies and wine fundraiser set for July 21
The Georgeson Botanical Garden Society will host an evening of food, wine and peonies Friday, July 21. Wine and Peonies in the Garden will run from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Georgeson Botanical Garden.

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Week's events: UAF history, arthritis talk, Alaska interviews, Celtic music

University of Alaska Fairbanks Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning is hosting nearly 50 free lectures, concerts and other events this summer. Here is what’s happening during the week of July 16-22.

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Rev It Up volunteer registration

Rev It Up is an annual move-in event that welcomes first-year students to their new homes at UAF. To volunteer, please complete the Rev It Up volunteer registration form by Monday, August 14.

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Responsible research conduct workshop offered

Individuals affiliated with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the University of Alaska Southeast and Ilisagvik College can take the Responsible Conduct in Research training workshop from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Aug. 26 in Fairbanks.

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Spring Sikuliaq cruise launches new Bering, Chukchi research program

Spring Sikuliaq cruise launches new Bering, Chukchi research program
UAF scientists have successfully completed the first cruise in a new comprehensive program studying late spring dynamics in the Bering and Chukchi seas.

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Students, faculty participate in science and diplomacy in the Arctic program at Dartmouth College

Mary Ehrlander, Brandon Boylan and Troy Bouffard co-organized a week-long program focused on science and diplomacy in the Arctic at Dartmouth College in June.

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Cornerstone changes

Thank you to those who participated in a pilot project for a daily Cornerstone. The pilot project phase is over, and we will assess survey results and other considerations as we look at new options for Cornerstone. Stay tuned!

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone staff and faculty newsletter is emailed to employees each Wednesday. Please visit the news website, too.
Use this submission form to share your announcements.
• The deadline for submitting to Cornerstone is Tuesdays at noon.
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