
Search for Honors Program director open

The Honors Faculty Advisory Council and Vice Provost Alexandra Fitts are accepting applications for the position of director of the Honors Program through April 13. The position is available beginning July 1.
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Course helps educators engage students in climate change

Course helps educators engage students in climate change
Alaska educators can learn how to help students work on climate change issues during a course offered June 18-22 through UAF. Read more

Visiting elder professor honored for promoting community health and wellness

Wilson Justin and Sandra Kowalski at the Raven's Ball. Photo by Steven Becker.
Wilson Justin, a visiting elder professor, was recently honored with one of four Luminary Awards from the Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium.
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What's on today

International flag dedication ceremony

Deadlines and reminders

Fall priority registration begins
Order commencement regalia today
Register for CEM awards banquet (April 6)
Register for racial equity workshop (April 7)
Brown bag: 'Crucial Conversations' (April 10)

UAF researcher to discuss temperature impacts to Gulf of Alaska

UAF researcher to discuss temperature impacts to Gulf of Alaska
A UAF fisheries scientist will review how temperature affects the Gulf of Alaska ecosystem April 4 on the Fairbanks campus. Read more

Mindful leadership workshop

Alaska NSF EPSCoR is sponsoring a retreat-style workshop entitled "Mindful Leadership: Creating a Diverse and Inclusive UA." The event will take place at UAF June 14-15. Applications are due April 13.
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About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone staff and faculty newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to employees each weekday. You can submit news items here.
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