
Largen named Alaska Nanooks hockey coach

Erik Largen
University of Alaska Fairbanks Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Keith Champagne has named Erik Largen the head coach of the Alaska Nanooks men’s ice hockey program. Largen has served as the Nanooks’ assistant coach for the past two seasons.

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Gardeners recruited to conduct vegetable trials

Gardeners interested in testing vegetable varieties as a citizen scientist may find out more at a free Extension workshop April 30 in Fairbanks. Heidi Rader will provide an update on vegetable variety trials conducted at the Georgeson Botanical Garden and will demonstrate the Grow&Tell mobile app that gardeners may use for home trials. Read more

Rural Student Services names Dennis Demmert Award winners

The Dennis Demmert Award, which is given each year at Rural Student Services, has been presented this year to Kathryn Dohner, Sandra Wildfeuer, Kathleen Meckel and Megan Huerd. The award, which is in it's 24th year, gives students and staff a chance to recognize staff and faculty members who have made a positive impact on the Alaska Native and rural student experience at UAF. Read more

What's on today

Chamber music recital
Last day of instruction
Art exhibit: Do You Count?

Bird feathers and the smell of tangerines

Bird feathers and the smell of tangerines
Millions of Alaska birds nest on rocky emerald islands seen by few people other than ship captains. One of the funkiest of these creatures is the crested auklet, which looks like a bassist in a punk band and smells like a tangerine. Read more

De-stress during finals week
by flying a drone

The Keith B. Mather Library at the Geophysical Institute has expanded drone flying hours during finals week — Monday, April 30, through Friday, May 4, from 2-4 p.m. daily. Read more

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