
UAF dance group helps Bond feel at home

UAF dance group helps Bond feel at home
To Bax Bond, the village where he grew up seemed worlds apart from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Rather than feeling homesick, though, he found a bit of home at UAF with the Iñu-Yupiaq Dance Group as the drummer and song leader. Read more

Arctic ground squirrels go to bed early

Arctic ground squirrels go to bed early
Maybe she has the right idea, the arctic ground squirrel. Sniffing the chilly air, looking up to see the first stars of the season, she has decided to check out. A few weeks shy of fall equinox, the squirrel is now bunkered up for winter, three feet beneath the tundra of the North Slope. Read more

Deadlines and reminders

Banner 9 updates online
Deadline: Apply for spring admission for international students (Sat.)
Labor Day: Most UAF offices closed (Mon.)

Weekend offers 54 hours to launch a startup company

UAF is joining community partners to host Fairbanks Startup Weekend, providing an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to develop their plans for a new business. Read more

Travel project implementation

Testing and an incremental rollout of Concur, the new travel system, will begin this fall.
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Featured photo of the week

Director of Wood Center Cody Rogers and Assistant Director of Student Leadership and Involvement Heidi Shepard bury the UAF Centennial time capsule is buried underground next to the Cornerstone Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at the Fairbanks campus. The capsule is slated to be opened in 2117.
The UAF Centennial time capsule is buried underground next to the Cornerstone Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at the Fairbanks campus. The capsule is slated to be opened in 2117. View online

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone staff and faculty newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to employees each weekday. You can submit news items here.
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