
Submit questions now for Feb. 6 budget forum

Questions about the budget? Ask them online ahead of the budget forum. (You can remain anonymous.) The event will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6, in the Wood Center ballroom, and will be webcast at media.uaf.edu. Read more

Research funding opportunities for undergrads

Katie Aikens, a mechanical engineering student, competed at the Design, Build, Fly competition with the help of an URSA award.
Undergraduate students can apply for research funding for spring travel (Feb. 18) and for summer projects (Feb. 25). Read more

Largest earthquake on the planet, until the next one

Largest earthquake on the planet, until the next one
There’s no argument, a 7.9 earthquake is impressive. Even in Alaska, we’ve felt only three in the last 20 years. Each of them was 15 times more powerful than the 7.1 Iniskin earthquake that in 2016 snapped gas lines in Kenai and burned down four houses.
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What's on today

Grants and Contracts open house
UA Museum Early Explorers
Hockey v. Ferris State

What's on this weekend

Explore math, science, engineering careers (Sat.)
Lean Launch Workshop applications due (Sat.)
UA Museum Junior Curators (Sat.)
Hockey v. Ferris State (Sat.)
Women's basketball v. Montana State (Sat.)
St. Mark Catholic Mass (Sun.)

4-H holds February fundraiser

Supporters of the 4-H program can purchase $1 and $4 paper clovers that will include instructions for a special Valentine’s Day craft for customers to create on Feb. 3. Read more

Sweater drive to commemorate Mr. Rogers anniversary

Barrel for sweater drive
KUAC is collecting children's sweaters through Feb. 20 in honor of 50 years of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood." New or gently used children's sweaters, fleece tops or sweatshirts will be donated to the Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living.
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Featured photo of the week

This is a composite image of the super blue blood moon over the Fairbanks campus as seen from the roof of the Gruening Building.
This is a composite image of the super blue blood moon over the Fairbanks campus as seen from the roof of the Gruening Building. UAF photo by JR Ancheta. View online

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone staff and faculty newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to employees each weekday. You can submit news items here.
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