Northern Lights

Researcher patents new method of tracking taxable infrastructure

Keith Cunningham
UAF researcher Keith Cunningham has created a tool that urban planners and tax assessors can use to detect infrastructure changes. Read more

What's on today

Chancellor's budget forum
Workshop: Create custom questions in Blue

Deadlines and reminders

Scholarship survey (ends Nov. 27)

Reminder: Budget forum today

The forum, from 1-2 p.m. in the Wood Center ballroom, will be webcast for those who can’t make it in person. Questions can be submitted in advance.
Read more

'Water Warriors' film Nov. 27

The documentary, to be shown from 6-7:30 p.m. in Arctic Java, chronicles community resistance to a natural gas exploration project in New Brunswick, Canada. Read more

Alaska Nanooks weekly update: Nov. 20

Catch up on Nanook news, and make plans to cheer on the women's basketball team during the Mt. McKinley State Bank North Star Invitational this weekend! Read more

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone staff and faculty newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to employees each weekday. You can submit news items here.
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