Northern Lights

Reminder: CEM dean forum today — Bill Schnabel

Presentations for the CEM dean position begin
Nov. 6 with Bill Schnabel. Read more

Register for One Health planning meeting

One Health graphic
Faculty are invited to register by Nov. 12 for a One Health team exercise Nov. 16. This group will help shape the 2019 state and 2020 circumpolar meetings.
Read more

Spring 2019 BLaST Undergraduate Research Experience funding opportunity

Spring 2019 blast undergraduate research experience flyer
These awards, of up to $2,500, may be used to cover hourly wage, tuition, travel, supplies and services. The deadline to apply is Nov. 19. Read more

What's on today

CEM dean candidate presentation: Bill Schnabel
Thompson Memorial Lecture: 'Well-being in a Changing World'
Food Pantry Pub Trivia

Faculty Research Day Nov. 7

Faculty Research Day flyer
Join UAF researchers as they present rapid, illustrated summaries of their work from 1-6 p.m. in the Wood Center ballroom. Read more

Applied business program partners with Fort Wainwright

Eight individuals were selected through a competitive process to learn how to conduct a comprehensive marketing campaign. Read more

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone staff and faculty newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to employees each weekday. You can submit news items here.
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