Ice crystals

Donations sought for 2019 Alternative Spring Break team

Students from the 2019 Alternative Spring Break team are raising funds to support a trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands to help in hurricane relief efforts.
This spring 14 UAF students will travel to the U.S. Virgin Islands to volunteer in hurricane relief efforts and work with a local job training program.
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"The Science of Smoke: Fairbanks' Particulate Problem"

Science for Alaska Lecture Series graphic image
Science for Alaska Lecture Series: How do we know wood smoke is a major source? What about power plant emissions? Do burn bans work? Read more

What's on today

Women's basketball v. Seattle Pacific
Talk: Akasofu's 60 years of research at UAF

Deadlines and reminders

Nominations for Kawagley Scholar Award (Feb. 1)

Proposal development workshop

Professionals from The Implementation Group will give a workshop on general proposal development Jan. 29 from 9 a.m.-noon. Read more

NSF Early CAREER workshop

An NSF Early CAREER workshop will be offered
Jan. 30, and will focus on how UAF researchers can be successful. Read more

Deadlines approach for Sea Grant fellowships

Ice bergs in the water in Icy Bay, Southeast Alaska.
Several fellowship deadlines are coming up for graduate students or recent grads whose focus is marine science or policy. Read more

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone staff and faculty newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to employees each weekday. You can submit news items here.
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