Rainbow over the Fairbanks campus

Budget update: May 15

The budget process is a long way from over, but given the possibilities, our current position is a good one to be in. Read more

South Eielson entrance to close this Friday

The south entrance to the Eielson Building will be closed May 17-July 1. Access to Eielson will be through the north entrance or through Signers' Hall.
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Staff Recognition and Development Day

35-year employee Deb Moore received her longevity award from Anupma Prakash and Dan White.
Staff members were celebrated, honored, educated and inspired during the 2019 Staff Recognition and Development Day. Read more

Microgrid boot camp prepares students for utility internships

ACEP's Jeremy Vandermeer leads a live demonstration of solar and wind energy integrating with the diesel generator in the Power Systems Integration Lab. Photo by Amanda Byrd.
The course is an intensive one-week training on technical, economic and regulatory basics of microgrids, with a focus on Alaska energy challenges.
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Juneau company makes waves with kelp

Juneau company makes waves with kelp
Wild salmon, king crab and halibut are hallmarks of Alaska cuisine. But another ocean product is increasingly making it way onto store shelves and dinner plates. It’s a sea vegetable called bull kelp — a salty, crisp plant packed with vitamins and nutrients. Read more

On the calendar

Food preservation: kimchi and kefir (today)
'Creating a Career Ladder' (today)
'Leading Customer Loyalty' (Thurs.)

Deadlines and reminders

Bone Builders food drive (ends today)
Stream Cleanup Day (June 8)

Food pantry summer hours

The pantry is open Mondays from 3-5 p.m. and Fridays from 1-3 p.m. It's stocked with shelf-stable food and hygiene products. Donations are always welcome. Read more

Arctic research open house

An open house showcasing Arctic research at UAF will be held May 30 from 4-7 p.m. on West Ridge. Children are welcome to this interactive event.
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Satellite tags reveal what's eating older chinook salmon

Satellite tags reveal what's eating older chinook salmon
Sometimes being a scientist requires a bit of detective work. Andy Seitz, a researcher at the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, needed his detective hat when an alarming number of his fish tags started popping up to the surface of the ocean early. Read more

Teaching Tip: Try something new in Blackboard

Dog shaking its paw with someone, to illustrate an old dog learning a new trick
Blackboard is a powerful tool for teaching, but a complicated one. Here are three scenarios you might find yourself in — and three newish Blackboard features that could help you out. Read more

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone staff and faculty newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to employees each weekday. You can submit news items here.
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The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual. Learn more about UA's notice of nondiscrimination.