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Commencement this weekend

Graphic banner for commencement with masked woman in cap and gown
UAF will celebrate its 99th commencement this weekend. Read on to learn about in-person and virtual ceremonies, the car parade, and more.
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Michael Abels wins Chancellor’s Cornerstone Award

Man standing on a gravel road by a dusty truck in front of a snow-covered mountain.
Chancellor's Cornerstone Award winner Mike Abels is a 45-year veteran of Toolik Field Station, where he now serves as associate director. Read more

Keith Champagne wins diversity award

Keith Champagne spoke at the chancellor's forum on the budget Nov. 20, 2018. UAF photo by JR Ancheta.
Keith Champagne was awarded the Bobby Cummings Lifetime Achievement Award in diversity by Central Washington University. Read more

Submit observations to improve river breakup forecasts

Submit observations to improve river breakup forecasts
Spring has arrived in Alaska, which means it is time to submit your observations of river ice breakup. Photos of changing ice conditions provide valuable information used by the National Weather Service in flood warnings and river breakup forecasts.
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What's on today

Deadlines and reminders

CRCD academic dean presentations

The College of Rural and Community Development will host presentations by two finalists for the position of academic dean on April 28 and 29.
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Rocket launch hopes to answer big aurora mystery

Rocket launch hopes to answer big aurora mystery
Four UAF Geophysical Institute space and plasma scientists hope to advance understanding of a key interaction between the solar wind and the planets when a four-stage NASA sounding rocket launches as early as May 7 and arcs high above the Atlantic Ocean. Read more

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone employee newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to all UAF staff and faculty. You can submit news items here.
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The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual. Learn more about UA's notice of nondiscrimination.