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A small green crab and the carapace of the same species are in an orange container

Alaska Invasive Species Workshop

The 2022 detection of the invasive European green crab in Southeast Alaska and the effect of climate change on the prevalence and impacts of species invasions will be highlighted at the 2023 Alaska Invasive Species Workshop. Learn more about the workshop, including how to register, scheduled for Nov.
7-9 in Sitka.

2023 Learnie Awards

Join us for the 2023 Learnie Awards on Nov. 9 from 4-6 p.m. at the UAF Pub to celebrate excellent learning experiences in educational media. We'll screen some of the best educational videos that UAF has to offer from the past 18 months, and we'll celebrate our talented colleagues from across campus. You can still nominate a creative colleague for a Learnie by Oct. 30! Read more about Learnie Awards events and information.

IAB Life Science Seminar

The Life Science Seminar series continues on Friday, Oct. 27 from
3-4 p.m. in-person in the Murie Auditorium with Associate Professor of Biology and Wildlife Greg Breed. He will discuss current research surrounding the lifespan of whales. Learn more about the seminar at the Institute of Arctic Biology website.

UAF names summer 2023 honors students

The University of Alaska Fairbanks has announced the students named to the deans' and chancellor's lists for the summer 2023 semester. The lists recognize students' outstanding academic achievements. Read more about the student accomplishments and see the lists.

What's happening

Deadlines and reminders

Systemwide Town Hall Oct. 24

University of Alaska system staff, students and faculty are invited to a virtual Town Hall with UA President Pat Pitney, on Tuesday, Oct. 24, from 1-2 p.m via Zoom or by watching the livestream. Read more about the town hall.

Title IX training due by Oct. 31

All university employees must complete annual Title IX training. The online course is based on the latest version of university policy and guided by Federal mandates. Learn more about the training.

Participants in the summer 2023 Tamamta retreat hold a circle discussion at Howard Luke Gaalee’ya Spirit Camp.

Tamamta program honored by APLU

UAF's Tamamta program has been honored with the Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in University Research Award from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. Read more about the program's honor.

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone employee newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to all UAF staff and faculty. You can submit news items here.


UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, educational institution and provider and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination/.