
Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra to perform Centennial Overture

Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra to perform Centennial Overture

Event features UAF barley beer 

Event features UAF barley beer 
Don your best UAF gear and enjoy a glass of beer brewed with barley grown at UAF’s own experiment farm to celebrate the university's centennial. Read more

Centennial gear still available! 

Centennial gear still available! 
Show off your Nanook pride in UAF's first 100 years with UAF100 gear! Read more

Upcoming events and activities

Nov. 5
4 p.m., Davis Concert Hall
Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra concert featuring the Centennial Overture

Nov. 16
5:30 p.m., HooDoo Brewery, 1951 Fox Ave.
HooDoo Centennial Brew community program

Dec. 4
4-6 p.m., Wood Center
Chancellor's Holiday Gathering

Read online

100 of UAF's people 

100 of UAF's people 

A century of big ideas: Finding success in FAS education 

Oscar Kawagley filled many roles during a lifetime that brought him from fish camps along the Kuskokwim River to a professorship at UAF. Read more
A century of big ideas: Finding success in FAS education 
In the early 1990s, there wasn’t much research on how to educate children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Find out how Judith Kleinfeld tackled this problem. Read more

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