Student newsletter

Chancellor's town hall on Title IX and sexual assault is Thursday

Join Chancellor Dana Thomas and other university leaders, students, faculty and staff at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23, in the Wood Center multilevel lounge to discuss how UAF can come together to develop a culture of support, caring and safety.

For more information about Title IX, visit

Snedden lecturer Parvaz will discuss refugee crises

Dorothy Parvaz, a senior producer with Al Jazeera English, will present "On the Run: Covering the Global Refugee Crisis" as part of the Snedden lecture series at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, in the Murie Building auditorium. Read more

Facilities Services' sets snowfall priorities, plans Taku cleaning

UAF's Facilities Services operations department plans to have crews working at night and through the weekend to keep up with the snowfall. Read more

Learn commuting trails at Sustainability Ski

A Sustainability Ski from 3-5 p.m. Feb. 27 will teach people how trails can be used to commute to and from UAF. Read more

Register for required workshop on research conduct

The Biomedical Learning and Student Training program and the Office of Research Integrity are partnering to provide Responsible Conduct of Research training for faculty, graduate students, staff and undergraduates on March 25. Preregistration by March 17 is required. It will be the only formal RCR training at UAF this semester. Read more

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