Swoosh Web two

Strategic Pathways forum scheduled

UA President Jim Johnsen and UAF Chancellor Dana Thomas will host a forum on the Strategic Pathways options in phase two from 1- 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, in the Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom. The forum is open to students, faculty and staff.

Seating is somewhat limited, but the event will also be webcast.

If you are unable to make it in person and have a question, you may submit it online. Administrators will try to answer submitted questions at the forum, but, if they're unable to get to yours, please feel welcome to leave your contact information and someone will get back with you.

Contact UAF-events@alaska.edu for more information.

Kelly to discuss extreme events in Arctic science and policy

Brendan Kelly, executive director of the Study of Environmental Arctic Change, will present a seminar titled "Extreme Events in the Arctic and Science Policy" on March 1 from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Elvey Building auditorium.

Kelly has led SEARCH since September 2015. The organization, which promotes scientific understanding of Arctic change, is primarily funded by a National Science Foundation grant to UAF's International Arctic Research Center and the Fairbanks-based Arctic Research Consortium of the United States.

Kelly is a research professor at IARC. His research in Arctic marine ecosystems began at UAF in 1976, and he has held several positions with the University of Alaska.

Kelly previously served in the NSF's Arctic Section and as assistant director for polar science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Download a flier for the event here.

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