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University of Alaska Newswire

The recently launched UA Newswire features press releases and articles from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska Anchorage, University of Alaska Southeast and the UA Foundation, and is designed to keep Alaskans informed about the research, workforce training and economic development happening across the UA System. 

This edition features news from January 2022. 

University of Alaska Fairbanks
Film reveals Arctic change through Indigenous, scientific knowledge

“Ice Edge” is a film chronicling a collaborative research project aimed at understanding changes in coastal sea ice.

For more information contact Heather McFarland.

Filming of Ice Edge.
Dozens of experts arrive in Fairbanks for air quality research

Nearly 50 scientists from the U.S. and Europe have arrived in Fairbanks for a seven-week study of the chemical interactions that lead to the community’s poor wintertime air quality. For more information, contact Rod Boyce

Scientists aim to improve sea ice predictions' accuracy, access

Sea ice predictions have improved markedly since the founding of an international forecasting and monitoring network 14 years ago. As the amount of sea ice in the Arctic declines, thins and becomes more mobile, accurate forecasts are becoming even more vital. For more information, contact Rod Boyce

 University of Alaska Anchorage
Archiving history: Ted Stevens ANCSA papers available to the public

On the 50th anniversary, in December, the Ted Stevens Foundation donated the Ted Stevens Collection-Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act sub-collection (ANCSA sub-collection) to the UAA/APU Consortium Library.

Contact Catalina Meyers for more information. 

Arlene Schmuland, Head of Archives & Special Collections and Professor of Library Science, looks through photos in boxes of documents from the recently-donated Ted Stevens Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) papers in UAA's Consortium Library.

Anchorage donor gifts UAA $250,000 to increase college education access and support student success

An anonymous donor has made a gift of $250,000 to support the university's 49th Finishers Scholarship, an initiative to aid Alaska residents looking to come back to college after a break or transfer from another institution. Contact Erin Olson for more information. 

Counting Salmon to Save Whales

Over the past few summers, researchers at UAA’s Applied Environmental Research Center (AERC) have devised new and better ways to monitor salmon on military bases near Anchorage. The data they gather may prove crucial to saving another iconic local animal. Contact James Evans for more information. 

University of Alaska Southeast
Antifreeze Proteins to the Rescue!

Natural Cryoprotectants enable improved Cold-Storage of Red Blood Cells. For more information, contact Keni Campbell

red blood cell

Sugar kelp tendering

Did you know that as part of the University of Alaska's efforts to develop Alaska's blue [ocean] economy, the university system will host a major mariculture symposium in Juneau to include researchers, policy makers and industry members?

ACEP's Erin Whitney Announced as 2021/22 U.S. Fulbright Scholar

Erin Whitney has been named a 2021-2022 Fulbright U.S. scholar to Germany to study renewably generated hydrogen for long-term energy storage options and applications, a critical need for Alaska and the Arctic.  

Board of Regents to consider motion to appoint Interim President Pat Pitney as permanent university president

On Jan. 31, UA Regent Chair Sheri Buretta announced to the UA community that a motion will be taken up at the February board meeting to appoint now-Interim UA President Pat Pitney as the UA System's permanent president, effectively removing "interim" from her title.

This motion has been brought forward "based on President Pitney's performance and ability to create stability for the university as we navigated challenging times," Buretta said.  

Contact Robbie Graham for more information. 

University of Alaska Board of Regents to hear public testimony Feb. 14

The UA Board of Regents will hold a one-hour public testimony session Monday, Feb. 14 from 4-5 p.m. Call 1-866‑831‑8713 to testify. 

For more information contact UA Manager of News & Content Erin McGroarty at elmcgroarty@alaska.edu