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UA Newswire

University of Alaska Newswire

The UA Newswire features press releases and articles from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska Anchorage, University of Alaska Southeast and the UA Foundation, and is designed to keep Alaskans informed about the research, workforce training and economic development happening across the UA System.

University of Alaska Fairbanks
Mariculture conference will explore challenges and opportunities

The University of Alaska will host a mariculture conference in Juneau's Centennial Hall on April 12-14, 2022. The conference will focus on the status of mariculture in Alaska, as well as challenges and opportunities in the industry.

Contact Alice Bailey for more information.

Photo by Michael Penn.

Photo by Michael Penn.

UAF scientist waits to see outcome of his work on Webb telescope

When thousands of computer-controlled eyes begin looking out from an instrument aboard the James Webb Space Telescope in the coming months and years, University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute associate research professor Gunther Kletetschka will be satisfied. Contact Rod Boyce for more information.

When it doesn't rain enough in the rainforest

From 2016-2019, Southeast Alaska experienced drinking water shortages, insect outbreaks, low hydroelectric output and more wildfire than usual. Scientists are studying this drought, its causes and impacts, and the likelihood of future similar droughts. Contact Heather McFarland for more information. 

University of Alaska Anchorage
Students’ water samples in Valdez inform regional studies

During a place-based learning lab in January for an Introduction to Oceanography course at Prince William Sound College, students sampled water at the Valdez docks to analyze the water's chemistry, such as pH and salinity. Samples will be shared with the Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute to be used in their Chugach Regional Ocean Monitoring project. 

Contact Marci Suazo for more information. 

uaa water sample
Photo courtesy Prince William Sound College


UAA’s Center for Human Development releases results of COVID-19 accessibility survey

Recently, the UAA Center for Human Development (CHD) released the results of a survey conducted in August focusing on individuals 18 and older with disabilities in Alaska and their access to the COVID-19 vaccine, including barriers, motivators and trusted sources of information. Contact Catalina Myers for more information. 

Ice research may add up to big savings for a growing industry

Anticipating this increase in northern shipping, UAA professor of structural engineering Scott Hamel, P.E., Ph.D., began researching the determination of ice crushing forces on vertical piles with tidal-accreted ice, which was one of seven UAA research projects selected for the 2020 ConocoPhillips Arctic Science and Engineering Endowment Awards. Contact Matt Jardin for more information. 

Save the date for the 2022 State of the University Address

Save the date for the State of the University Address, to be delivered by University of Alaska President Pat Pitney on March 3 at 12 p.m. 

This address is being presented through the Juneau Chamber of Commerce and is supported in part by the University of Alaska Foundation.

It's planned for the Elizabeth Peratovich Hall in Juneau. A live stream of the event will be available here.

2022 SoU

For more information on the UA Newswire, contact UA Manager of News & Content Erin McGroarty at elmcgroarty@alaska.edu


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