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Richard Schweigert portrait
Announcing Interim Chief Finance Officer Richard Schweigert

Richard Schweigert will join the University of Alaska on Sept. 7 as the Interim Chief Finance Officer (CFO). He most recently served as the CFO at Colorado State University System and has substantial financial and higher education experience.

Butrovich building
Update on United Academics CBA Negotiations

As we continue to negotiate through the confidential mediation process, we are listening intently to our faculty and union representatives, and doing our best to reach agreement.

UA Logo
System Office Staff Council August Meeting Highlights

Highlights and updates from the August 11 System Office Staff Council meeting.

Be Heard - BOR Public Testimony
Board of Regents public testimony Monday, Aug. 29

The University of Alaska Board of Regents will hold a one-hour public testimony session on Monday, Aug. 29, from 4-5 p.m.

Opportunity to make a will

August is #MakeAWill month, and the UA Foundation has teamed up with Freewill to offer everyone the opportunity to make a simple, legal will in under 20 minutes.

Fall colors - yellow leaves on trees on campus
September Events & Holidays

Holidays, events and celebrations coming up in September.

UA Board of Regents to hold meeting in Juneau Sept. 8 - 9

The University of Alaska Board of Regents will hold a full meeting of the board in Juneau on September 8 - 9.


Employee News

Steve Meckel
Steve Meckel to serve as Acting CITO

Steve Meckel, OIT's executive officer, will serve as Acting CITO until the new CITO comes on board.

Lynda Gregory portrait
Alaska 529 welcomes Lynda Gregory

Lynda Gregory started with the Alaska 529 Program on August 17, as the Outreach and Program Specialist.