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UA Newswire

Connecting Alaska's press to UA News

October 18, 2022

Research, workforce development and economic growth news stories and other feature articles from the University of Alaska Anchorage, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska Southeast, University of Alaska System Office and the UA Foundation. Compiled by the University of Alaska System Office of Public Affairs.

University of Alaska Anchorage

UAA alumnus named Alaska Superintendent of the Year

“Being Alaska Superintendent of the Year means that I get to represent a lot of great work that’s the effort of more than one person. The relationships and connections we’ve made within the borough and across the region are going to have a long-lasting impact on the viability and success of our students,” said Hill.

CONTACT: Matt Jardin

Bill Hill with award

Strong showing of financial support from local alumni

Last week’s UAA Alumni Homecoming Luncheon raised over $25,000 to support student success.

CONTACT: UAA Alumni Association

 UAA’s journalism department welcomes new certificate, television studio

With the help of a grant from the Atwood Foundation, the UAA Journalism department has updated their studio equipment. Beginning next semester, students will be learning with the same gear used in most television stations today.

Contact: David House

University of Alaska Fairbanks

UAF receives grant to advance Alaska Native food and energy sovereignty

A $1.9 million federal grant will support University of Alaska Fairbanks programs that focus on Indigenous food and energy system development and sustainability at the institution’s five rural campuses.

CONTACT: Maggie King

Snomachiner hauling gearA snowmachiner heads toward a portable meat processing classroom in Savoonga, Alaska. The classroom is part of the the UAF Northwest Campus' high-latitude range management program. (Photo by Greg Finstad)

3D metal printer transforms UAF machine shop's abilities

The Geophysical Institute can now make specialized research tools and intricate parts can be designed and produced onsite instead of being outsourced.

“To be able to do metal printing greatly expands what we can do,” said Greg Shipman, manager of the Geophysical Institute Machine Shop.

CONTACT: Rod Boyce

HAARP to begin largest set of experiments at its new observatory

Bouncing a signal off the moon. Learning more about a mysterious polar light. Sending a beam to Jupiter. Those are just some of the 13 experiments for a packed 10 days of science beginning Wednesday at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). The University of Alaska Fairbanks operates the facility located near Gakona.

CONTACT: Rod Boyce

University of Alaska Southeast

UAS service event collects 2 tons of seaweed for community gardens

Fifteen students from Assistant Professor JoMarie Alba's, Ecology of Southeast Alaska course (Biology 108) learned about Tlingit traditional harvest and the benefits of seaweed in agriculture/horticulture contexts while collecting seaweed for Juneau area community gardens.

CONTACT: Jonas Lamb


UAS Student Seaweed Service Project (Photo courtesy of Darren Snyder and Jonas Lamb)

Lecture: Lessons from Indigenous tourism for a regenerative future

On October 28 at 7:00 p.m. join author Alexis Bunten while she discusses how the tourism industry is capable of providing economic diversification while protecting ecosystems and perpetuating local cultures. The lecture is part of the Evening at Egan lecture series. Enjoy in person on the Juneau Auke Lake Campus or watch the livestream.

CONTACT: Keni Campbell or visit Egan Lecture webpage

UA System Office

UA President Pat Pitney to present at AFN on Friday, October 21

The Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Convention is the largest representative annual gathering in the United States of any Native peoples. Each year, the AFN Convention draws some 6,000 attendees. The proceedings are broadcast live statewide, and webcast to 70 countries worldwide. This year’s theme is “Celebrating Our Unity.” 

Pitney is scheduled to speak at 2:25 p.m. at the Dena'ina Center, Anchorage, just prior to The Future of Alaska Native Education discussion. 

CONTACT: Robbie Graham

Upcoming opportunity for public testimony to UA Board of Regents

Testimony via statewide audio conference will be held on Monday, October 31 from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. AST. Please call 1-866‑831‑8713 to join the queue to testify.  Written testimony is accepted at any time and is shared with the board and the president. 

Visit the public testimony page for tips. 

CONTACT: Robbie Graham

UA System "Did You Know?"

Did you know that students across the university system can earn college credit while working in the Alaska Legislature? 

The Senator Ted Stevens Legislative Internship Program, now in its 30th year, is accepting applicants until Nov 1. The program draws students from all three universities and many majors to Alaska’s Capitol during the legislative session to work as full-time interns, while completing a rigorous academic program. 

CONTACT: Robbie Graham or visit the program website.

Sen. Kawasiki with InternSenator Kawasaki poses with his intern Riley Leonard in the Alaska State Capitol. (Photo courtesy Sen. Scott Kawasaki)

For more information on the UA Newswire, contact UA Manager of Communications & Marketing Monique Musick at mmusick@alaska.edu