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System Office Bulletin

accessibility icon
System Office websites to be audited for accessibility compliance

Last week President Pitney signed a Voluntary Resolution Agreement (VRA) with the Office for Civil Rights to ensure that all University of Alaska System Office websites meet federal accessibility standards.

disability services conference flyer, blue skies and yellow leaves on trees, general conference info
Registration is Open for the Virtual Disability Services Conference 2022

UA Disability Services Offices & the HR Access Team present a variety of engaging webinars and Q&A sessions during this week-long event.

popcorn bag on yellow background
SOSC Meet & Greet - Movie One-Liner Bingo

System Office staff are invited to join System Office Staff Council on Monday October 31st for a fun afternoon of movie bingo.

red leaves - season changing image
UA HR Organizational Alignment Changes

Over the last few months, there have been some changes to the UA HR internal structure mostly involving reporting.

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November 2022 Events & Dates of Interest

An overview of some important days and events next month.

A woman with short hair (UA President Pat Pitney) wearing a teal vest stands in a well-lit hallway smiling at the camera.
Save the Date: Nov. 8 Systemwide Town Hall with President Pat Pitney

Staff, students and faculty across the University of Alaska system are invited to a virtual Town Hall with UA President Pat Pitney on Tuesday, November 8, from 1-2 p.m.

Be heard - public testimony graphic
UA Board of Regents will hear public testimony Oct. 31

This one-hour (4-5 p.m.) public testimony session provides the university community and all Alaskans the opportunity to talk directly with regents.

waxwings on snowy branches
Holiday Closures 2022

In preparation for the upcoming holiday season, employees should be aware of both holiday and winter closure dates.

Cars parked in deep snow
Butrovich Parking Lot Reminders

Information about winter parking etiquette in the Butrovich lot.

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Human Resources news and updates October 2022

The October 21 edition of UA System News included a number of human resources updates. Be sure to review these important announcements.

Employee News

Chris Maguigan
The office of Auditing and Consulting Services welcomes Chris Maguigan!

Chris began in the position of internal auditor 1 on October 10.

Jamie Heckman
Human Resources is pleased to announce the promotion of Jamie Heckman!

Jamie started with UA in November 2021 as HR Systems Manager and was recently promoted to Director, HR Information Systems and Analytics.