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dancers perform at the Celebrating Alaska Native Partners dinner
UA Foundation Hosts Celebration of Alaska Native Partners

The University of Alaska Foundation Board of Directors hosted the Celebrating Alaska Native Partners dinner. This event brought together Alaska Native Corporations, education foundations, tribes and businesses and was an opportunity for our universities to speak on progress toward an accessible education system strengthened by Indigenous knowledge, culture and leadership. 

Winter portrait of Julie Schram with mountains and lake behind her
2023 Angus Gavin Memorial Migratory Bird Research Grant Awarded

Julie Schram, Ph.D., an assistant professor of animal physiology at University of Alaska Southeast, is the recipient of the 2023 Angus Gavin Memorial Migratory Bird Research Grant.

Assoc. General Counsel Andy Harrington talks with Sr. Compliance Liaison Mary Gower
Compliance Chat #6 Appropriate use of Official Position

Employees may not "use, or attempt to use, an official position for personal gain, and may not intentionally secure or grant unwarranted benefits or treatment for any person."

Learn more in the latest "Compliance Chat"

UA Foundation logo
New process for accessing funds held at the UA Foundation

The UA Foundation will no longer be approving new grant requests or budget increases and, instead, will be migrating requests to this new UA Foundation Fund Distribution Process.

Human Resources News

Young plant growing
Important Payroll Reminders

Early payroll submission deadlines before the July 4th Holiday, and other important payroll reminders.

Graphic of two people having a conversation
Performance Evaluations due June 30

It is UA's goal that 100% of staff members receive an annual performance review. Performance evaluations engage supervisors and employees in discussing expectations and goals.

graphic of the word
FY23 UA Regular Staff Salary Schedule Update

The FY23 UA regular staff salary schedule has been updated to reflect the 1% retroactive increase.

photo of hand holding pen against application form
New Application Form for Temporary Recruitments

As part of continued efforts of Talent Acquisition to reduce barriers for applicants, there is now a new application form for temporary recruitments.

photo of dollar bills
Retroactive Pay Adjustments and Compensation Increases

CHRO Memry Dahl recently released a series of memos and will continue to provide updates as needed on our dedicated web page for FY23 and FY24 compensation increases.

Image of keyboard with key title
UA HR Training & Learning Opportunities

Be sure to check out the UA HR Training and Development and Benefits Upcoming Events calendars that have an assortment of offerings. Register early to guarantee your place!

Personnel News

portrait of new dean Karsten Hueffer
Hueffer appointed dean of UAF College of Natural Science and Mathematics

Karsten Hueffer has been appointed the new dean of UAF College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Tuckerman Babcock portrait, left and Albiona Selimi portrait, right
Announcing new appointments to the university's Board of Regents

Governor Mike Dunleavy announced a new appointment to the university's Board of Regents. Our new student regent has officially begun her term as well.

Portrait of Trent Stutton
Sutton appointed UAF vice provost and accreditation liaison officer

Trent Sutton has been appointed as the new vice provost and accreditation liaison officer.

Portrait of Sean Topkok
Sean Asikłuk Topkok appointed director of Center for Cross-Cultural Studies

Sean Asikłuk Topkok appointed director of Center for Cross-Cultural Studies.