Rankings and recognition
UAF is an international pacesetter in Arctic research, particularly in earth and ocean
sciences, biology, and engineering. But we excel in many other ways. We get high marks
in teacher training and business management. Our outdoor options are in a class by
UAF scores well in internationally accepted college ratings, including those published
by U.S. News and World Report and Times Higher Education. These ratings and others
show that UAF is academically competitive and of good educational value.
Check out scores from college ranking organizations below. They'll show just a sample of the excellence you'll find all around here.
Some ranking organizations provide badges for use in printed and online materials. Contact uaf-university-relations@alaska.edu for more information.
For more information about the rankings, contact Arthur Hussey, Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research at amhusseyiii@alaska.edu, 907-474-6638, or the PAIR office.