Permits & Licenses
Using wild animals, in the field or in captivity, for research or teaching purposes typically requires at least one license or permit. Additional documentation, permits or licenses may be necessary to transport or ship (interstate or internationally) live animals, infectious materials, or animal tissues. It is the principal investigator's (PI) responsibility to ensure that all necessary permits and licenses are obtained prior to beginning any work with live animals. Basic information on some of the most commonly required permits, licenses and permissions can be found on the following pages; but researchers should contact the UAF Office of Research Integrity or the agency's permitting office with specific questions or concerns:
- Animal Capture and Holding
- Land Use Permits
- Transport & Shipping
Often permissions must be obtained sequentially, so it can take several months to obtain all the required permits, licenses or permissions for some projects. Example 1: the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Conservation Division will not issue a research permit until they receive evidence of IACUC review and approval. Example 2: recently UAF PIs have found that it can take a year or more to obtain all the necessary permits and permissions for projects involving marine mammals.
Researchers are advised to look into the permit requirements as early as possible, preferably while writing the funding proposal, and to start the application process as soon as they receive an intent to award notice; this advance planning will help prevent delays in starting their research or teaching activities. Researchers working with protected species (i.e. marine mammals, endangered species, migratory birds, etc.) or in foreign countries are particularly encouraged to start early!
Don't forget that you must have final IACUC approval AND all of your permits PRIOR to starting any activity involving live vertebrates.