Ever wanted to create your own major -


Choose what courses you take, and why?





Be creative!

  • Major in something UAF doesn’t offer.
  • Combine subject areas or skill-sets.
  • Explore intersectionality.

Plan your future!

  • Prepare for professional or graduate school.
  • Build prerequisites into your degree program.
  • Network with world renown faculty and researchers.

Gain experience!

  • Travel through Study Away.
  • Participate in research labs and projects.
  • Include internships, apprenticeships, and field work.

 Hear from our alumni!

  I feel that my studying a topic through multiple disciplines was of enormous benefit to my learning experience...it is clear from the preliminary [graduate school] research I have done...that my interdisciplinary degree will afford me many more options and opportunities than a standard degree program would have. BA Goals Option, Spring 2019 graduate, Cognitive Science: Interdisciplinary Studies Major
  The interdisciplinary program is a great opportunity to tailor a degree program to best fit your expected career of choice. It more work and effort than completing a standard degree program, however I’m very happy I chose this program...the three disciplines I chose to combine for may degree fit my career perfectly. Thank you to my faculty advisors who helped with the decisions and support along the way! BA Goals Option, Spring 2013 graduate, Information Technology Management: Interdisciplinary Program
    I loved being able to dive into several interests of mine, my professors took me seriously because as an interdisciplinary student, I had to take my studies seriously. It opened me up to new interests, new people and I feel proud of what I accomplished. BA Goals Option, Spring 2015 graduate, Gender in Culture and Society: Interdisciplinary Studies Major


 It's one of the best things I ever did, because I did exactly what I wanted to do.

BS Goals Option, Summer 2011 graduate          
Renewable Energy in Alaska's Rural Communities: Interdisciplinary Program         


A UAF researcher works in a greenhouse on Troth Yeddha' campus.
Goals Option Features

  • Choose your own coursework.
  • Use classes you’ve already taken.
  • Pick your faculty.
  • Develop strong communication and professional skills.
  • Build competence in complementary areas.