Approval Overview



  • Process-structure timeline visual:
    • pre-admission: current UAF student
    • internal admission process: (~1~3 semesters suggested)
      • develop minor proposal
      • develop minor course-list
      • may need to take coursework to develop ideas and inform course choices
      • approval:
        • work with INDS advisor and other support resources as necessary
        • INDS advisor coordinates paperwork and approval
      • Changes to program after approval require INDS and committee chair approval
      • Graduate:
        • Preferred that students be admitted before graduating semester (must be admitted before Grad. App. Deadline; review and approval can take several weeks or months; please plan accordingly)
      • Preferred: currently admitted UAF students (in order for transfer credit to be processed) before scheduling intake appointment.
      • Submit proposal and course list for review; schedule intake appointment if you have questions or need help.
      • All coursework can be completed by distance without any class meeting times at resident tuition rate; however, not all UAF classes are available by distance with resident tuition rate. Note: UAF does not offer work-at-your-own pace coursework; all distance courses have deadlines.
      • Documentation:
        • Google folder shared w/ and INDS advisor (àhouse folders in “Student Files” folder)
        • Offer course-list Google spreadsheet template
        • Suggest Google Word doc brainstorm
          • Offer guidance:
            • Title
            • Unique, cohesive concept for major (something that doesn’t exist at UAF); learning objectives and outcomes? intersectionality between subject areas/disciplines?)
          • Forms:
            • Proposal and course-list approval form
            • Course-list Google spreadsheet template