Existing Account Help
Change your UA password and manage your university identity.
Getting Started
UA Account Password and Login Issues
Go to ELMO. To reset a known password select Login and follow 'Password Reset' prompts. Forgot your password? Select Forgot Password and follow prompts. Learn more at Manage My UA ID >>
More Information
ELMO UA Username/Password reset here.
Manage UA Username Account
UA and UAF Students, Faculty, Staff and Affiliated Guests
Automatically created accounts are dependent on all required information being entered in University Banner system for new or returning students, faculty, or staff.
Updates to UA Usernames:
To update your UA username, you must first inform either the human resources office or the university registrar's office of your legal name change. Once they have updated your name in their system, you can then request a new username through the Correction to UA Username form.
Accounts are processed and managed during normal business hours.
Existing Accounts are available at no cost to end users.
Make a Request
Please submit our online request form to request service:
Customers can request general assistance and report problems with this service through the NTS Service Desk.
For assistance with ELMO, you can refer to Manage UA Username Account.
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Active Directory
Active Directory manages authentication, integration, and configuration for Windows workstations and servers.
Existing Account Help
Change your UA password and manage your university identity.
New Accounts
Activate your UA username for access to University systems.
Security Coordinators
Security coordinators manage user accounts related to university servers and systems.
Single Sign-on
Single sign-on services for seamless user access between UA's web applications.
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
Securing online identity and personal information with MFA
Banner administration maintains the university's integrated data systems.
Data Center Hosting
Host and maintain the infrastructure for the University's system wide high performance computer systems.
Data Duplication & Destruction
Secure and compliant data destruction and reproduction.
Digital Signatures & Approvals
DocuSign and Dynamic Forms (powered by NextGen) are the University’s cloud-based electronic signature and approval solutions.
Directory Services
UA's directory, People, includes editable contact information for departments, faculty, staff, students, and some UA affiliates.
Enterprise Application Programming & Development
Custom programming for the University of Alaska's Enterprise-wide student systems.
Enterprise Video Surveillance
Supporting campus video surveillance technologies.
Records & Information Management (OnBase)
OnBase provides the University with a systemwide electronic records retention and disposition program.
Secure Files (LiquidFiles)
Secure file transfers for the University community.
Server Administration & Hosting
Server administration, hosting, data tape storage and support, data storage and file server management, data backup and restores, space allocation and access management.
Special Administration Forms Printing
Customized forms for large scale administrative mailings.
Version Control (GitHub)
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.
UAOnline gives students, staff and faculty access to business aspects of the university.
Web Services
Web solutions, design, maintenance and support for UA's research, academic, and administrative groups.
Audio Conferencing
The audio conferencing service is provided through Two Rivers Conferencing for the University of Alaska system.
Blackboard Collaborate
Web meeting tool providing opportunities for live, synchronous learning and collaboration, scheduled and delivered through UA Blackboard Learn.
Confluence Wiki Pages
A collaborative tool that can be used to help teams share knowledge and collaborate on new ideas and projects.
Digital Signage
Supporting technology behind UAF's digital signage.
Google Workspace @ UA
Access to the UA’s Google email on desktop clients and handheld devices, along with Google Calendar, Docs, Chat, Video, Groups, Sites and the G Suite Marketplace.
Installation, repair and restoration of voice communication and telephone services.
UAF Listserv (retired)
Managing UAF’s electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists.
Video Conferencing
UA’s system wide video conferencing network, including Zoom web conferencing, allows users to join conferencing hardware and software systems throughout the world.
Classroom Technology
Technical support for Smart Classrooms, hardware/software management and recommendations regarding technology in support of academics.
Computer Labs
UAF's computer labs provide users with an extensive software library installed on both PC and Mac workstations, printing options, and technical support.
Learning Management System (UA Blackboard + Canvas for UAF)
UA Learning management system (LMS) for students and faculty.
Lecture Capture
Providing support of Kaltura, the software applications used to record lectures within UAF Smart Classrooms.
Phishing & SPAM Help
Handles reports of phishing and SPAM, while advising on appropriate responses.
Information Security
Security handles all reports of IT-related security incidents.
Audio/Video Design & Consultation
Audio/video design & consultation, including video conference system builds.
IT Hardware Contract Support
Supporting the business aspects of IT Hardware Contracts.
Media & Event Streaming
Infrastructure support for on-demand audio and video web streaming, along with live event streaming on-location.
Network Design & Consultation
NTS staff are available to assist with campus network design & consultation.
Security & Risk Assessment
Providing University security risk and vulnerability assessments, mitigation recommendations, and audit assistance.
Training Services
A variety of training on enterprise applications for faculty, staff and student employees.
Web Development
Consulting for web site design and web application development.
Remote Connectivity (VPN)
Secure, remote, connectivity from non-University of Alaska locations to campus resources.
Secure and public wireless access across campus.
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN) services provide direct network access between geographically separate locations.
Wired Network
Wired network connectivity provides high-bandwidth, high-availability campus connectivity to the Internet, Internet2, and other online services.
Computer Support
Software downloads, plus repair and maintenance to UAF and UA Statewide computers and peripherals, along with purchasing recommendations.
Printer Support
Support, service, setup and maintenance of all campus printers, shared printers, and Banner system to departmental printers.
Student Technology Support
Technical support to students on campus having problems with their personal computers and printers.
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Anytime, Anywhere Access to Digital Workspaces