Letter Explanation
ffailed Senate/Review Committee
+disapproved in part by Committee
#amended by Sen./Review Committee
aapproved by Chancellor's office
paction pending from Chancellor's Office
taction tabled by Senate
waction withdrawn
*modified by Chancellor's Office
!disapproved by Chancellor's Office
-no signature/action required
oapproved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
rreferred to Committee

Department Head/Chair

FY90 Discussion at special Senate meeting. (-) Motion to establish new policy on election of dept. heads (Chancellor granted extension by Administrative Committee until recommendations from Task Force on Dept. Chairs are acted upon). (p) Meeting #17 Confirm membership and establish charge for Task Force on Department Chairpersons. (-) Meeting #18
FY91 Discussion on proposed policy. (-) Meeting #20 Motion to establish policy defining the role and duties of the department head, and to establish the procedures for the election of department heads at UAF. (*) Meeting #21
Motion to add section to UAF policy on Department Heads. (a) Meeting #23 Request that the VCAA begin the election of all Department Heads in accordance with UAF policy on Department Heads. (-) Meeting #23 FY97 Motion to amend the Department Head policy to clarify affiliated faculty members' eligibility to vote. (a) Meeting #71
FY00 Motion to amend the Department Head Policy. (a*) Meeting #93 FY02 Discussion on tenure of department chairs. (-) Meeting #107