Letter Explanation
ffailed Senate/Review Committee
+disapproved in part by Committee
#amended by Sen./Review Committee
aapproved by Chancellor's office
paction pending from Chancellor's Office
taction tabled by Senate
waction withdrawn
*modified by Chancellor's Office
!disapproved by Chancellor's Office
-no signature/action required
oapproved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
rreferred to Committee


FY93 Resolution affirms the UAF Faculty Senate expectations that no discrimination against or harassment of individuals will be condoned on any of the campuses or in programs or activities of the University. (-) Meeting #39 FY97 Motion to reaffirm the Senate's position on non-discrimination in the workplace. (-) Meeting #65 Motion to the Faculty Alliance of the Senate's concerns and recommendations regarding proposed changes to Regents' Policy and Regulations on Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Harassment. (-) Meeting #71
FY02 Motion to recommend that the UA Board of Regents' amend the UA non-discrimination statement--Referred to committee. (r) Meeting #104 Motion to recommend that the UA Board of Regents' amend the UA non-discrimination statement. (!) Meeting #105